....SAVE EARTH - be part of Earth Hour 2010.... by LoneLy_heArt 2010/03/26 06:47
EARTH Hour 2010 takes place on saturday March 27, from 1500 to 1600 hours GMT [8.30 pm to 9.30 pm(IST)] and is a global call of action to every individual ...... EARTH HOUR started in 2007 in sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and earth hour had become a globlal sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. ..... In March 2009 hundreds of millions of people took part in the 3rd Earth Hour. Over 4000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the worlds largest global climate change initiative. ..... Earth Hour 2010 takes place on saturday March 27 at 8.30pm(IST) And is a global call of action to every individual, every business and every community throughout the world. It is a call to stand up, to take Responsibility, to get involved and lead the way towards a sustainable future. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Europe to Asia to Americas will stand in darkness.

BEAUTIFUL_GIRL4U 2010/03/28 11:39
Gud nd keep it up
A-plus 2010/03/28 11:48
Der's notin rong wit d earth.It's those livin on earth who r abusing d earth.we are sayin one tin n doin anoda tin.d truth is WE CANT SAVE D EARTH!
KiNg_SouL 2010/03/28 12:43
Thanks for da great info.
AGONYandEXTASY 2010/03/28 12:52
Nice gesture,it could be an exemple for the main responsble factors for climate changing and poluation.

Wilkinson 2010/03/28 13:00
Interesting thanx
JATT_ON_HUNT 2010/03/28 14:56
Nice movie.
hemlock 2010/03/28 16:53
/smiley i wish every individual here on 2wap gets that message en pass it to others /smiley thanx pal.....
Nduks 2010/03/28 17:05
This d first time am hearing this thanks.
Ramraj 2010/03/28 17:44
Thank u 4 dat information.
Sweet_Divyanka 2010/03/28 18:58
Thanks brother and also my country have the part of this global action. /smiley
Godslove 2010/03/28 20:58
I'l b busy too
Square 2010/03/28 23:59
Datz great, u r right big bro
Ashif123 2010/03/29 01:40
Plz your off lights and save our earth
greatgideon 2010/03/29 04:57
Thanks lol
Bugs_Bunny 2010/03/29 05:02
hmm../smiley interstring,
STAIN 2010/03/29 05:28
Men I try my best to off my rooms light but to convice others very hard especially in my African country
xtimer 2010/03/29 06:07
Tank 4 giving us dis information
StOrM_RyDeR 2010/03/29 06:26
Good to know . . Kept it up . .

Tegani2010 2010/03/29 07:00
That's wonderful .. But who cares about earth nowadays ! I see that few do really care
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2010/03/29 09:01
yup i knw bt thanx fr thE inFo.
Replies: 90

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