So Sad by Frayz-3 2010/02/17 09:06
Finall FRAYZ av 2 say bye to 2wap.....

To all my gud friends in 2wap....nd those that never lyked FRAYZ... Im saying bye 2 all.... I hope i gt back soon...

I gonna miss y'all......-cry- BYEzz..

TheMouse 2010/02/17 21:42
Bye for now, come back if U can! /smiley And all the best on your way!
pipijul 2010/02/17 22:26
Gudbye my frend
sherisarn 2010/02/18 02:09
goodbye and good luck.
LovelyGirl 2010/02/18 05:49
Best of luck.
Dry-bonez 2010/02/18 10:05
Bye...hope to c u soon...
X-limit 2010/02/18 12:38
Good 4 ya
joeblogg2006 2010/02/18 16:50
hey friend were are u going.
joeblogg2006 2010/02/18 16:51
ReAL_RoCkeR 2010/02/18 18:19
Bye frayz
Whizzy 2010/02/20 12:52
mide 2010/02/20 15:33
Please where are you going.
mide 2010/02/20 15:35
Where is my fray-z going to.
oluwaseyi 2010/02/22 06:31
Goodbye frayz
.ArSHX. 2010/06/26 03:48
Milke bi hum na mile
Culbeauty 2010/10/26 17:31
elitenick 2010/10/26 21:27
Take care dude
virus96 2010/10/27 07:13
Bye friend/smiley
BhAnUSaNdEeP 2011/05/10 08:49
Aman.Rana 2013/12/08 16:35
good bye
Aman.Rana 2013/12/08 16:36
Replies: 60

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