So Sad by Frayz-3 2010/02/17 09:06
Finall FRAYZ av 2 say bye to 2wap.....

To all my gud friends in 2wap....nd those that never lyked FRAYZ... Im saying bye 2 all.... I hope i gt back soon...

I gonna miss y'all......-cry- BYEzz..

Rhanie 2010/02/17 09:25
/smiley -cu- /smiley hey!where r u going!friend!/smiley
bizzzgee 2010/02/17 09:26
FLAiR 2010/02/17 09:32
Aim 4 d top always,cos dats where I'll be.Au revoir!/smiley
ShAhZaDa 2010/02/17 09:32
Enjoy your life Frayz. Hope to see you around soon. /smiley
EllaiZa 2010/02/17 09:32
Be sure to get bAck here, its a nice place to hang with y0ur friends here. /smiley
sweetdarylle 2010/02/17 09:34
So sad that i miss the chance to get to know you.I just said hello to 2wap,but goodbye to you.
Samunited 2010/02/17 09:41
Where u going man
opened85 2010/02/17 09:41
mk_alyana 2010/02/17 09:42
Bye for nw bro. . Goodluck wid ur exams. . Hope to see u again soon
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2010/02/17 09:42
Be haPpy alwayS...byE./smiley
_shihab_ 2010/02/17 09:45
ok bro bye. . .
hope u back soon. ./smiley

MisIndependent 2010/02/17 09:48
2 a wonderful frnd i say "see u soonest" /smiley lolz.
Marlou 2010/02/17 09:48
We will mis u bro. H0pe to c0me back s0on.
Ravikumar08 2010/02/17 09:50
GoodbYE!! Hope You Will Not Come.. . . Have A Great Life. . . .
dmy 2010/02/17 09:51
it happened 2 me b4, i wish u gudluck, c u soon. say me well 2 ur steps.
bizzzgee 2010/02/17 09:53
Y shud wil
LeNCheN 2010/02/17 09:54
Why are u referring to urself in the 3rd person../smiley..(bbye)
_ANsuYA_ 2010/02/17 09:54
Gudbye n welcum wid a new nic!
olat 2010/02/17 09:56
Where to that is so sad
Elfuego 2010/02/17 10:00
Gud bye GRAYZ. . . i mean FRAYZ
Replies: 60

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