What kind of works do u guys do? by saab 2010/01/18 14:24
ur job? juz curious. -cutie-

P.girl 2011/09/02 14:40
Labourer work
Nesquik 2011/11/07 22:11
Im a teacher and a student
Pr1ya 2011/11/20 19:51
I'm a University student and a health and beauty consultant.
Male1974 2011/11/24 02:24
Im a pc tech..
Male1974 2011/12/20 23:43
im a pc tech.
Yizreel 2011/12/21 05:44
Im a truck driver . Dont do it , its NOT FUNNNNN.
Mantronix 2011/12/21 16:50
Junior Mechanical Engineer job, and part time Industrial Engineering student
SAGITTARIUS 2011/12/26 00:58
yasmine 2011/12/26 09:46
am a student..
__adisa__ 2011/12/26 20:58
Student, musician and aluminium company managing director.
Ice-Fairy 2011/12/27 12:49
Im a catalog model
mab21 2011/12/30 08:18
i'm a medical nurse, who wants an injection lol
Sulley 2012/01/03 22:13
lol am a footballer
Princepioneer 2012/01/05 03:12
I am a mechanical electrical and technical technician.wow
InternetLord 2013/07/02 13:05
am a student /smiley
Stacy24 2013/08/10 18:29
I do modelling
Jow 2013/08/24 08:31
am a student, and am self employed in diverse field.. The germane one 4 nw is that am assistant director of a catering service and event planners
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/06/20 08:34
I'm a chef...
SONIC 2015/06/27 08:47
Lil wayne 2015/06/27 14:29
I am many things both honest person,student,humble,christain,agood 2waper intrested makin ppl smile.....bt i think d question should be wat do u think i am or wat kind of work do u think i do....... cater
Replies: 86

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