What kind of works do u guys do? by saab 2010/01/18 14:24
ur job? juz curious. -cutie-

j-culture 2010/07/04 07:21
Hericho 2010/07/04 07:47
Have'nt got one.
InternetLord 2010/07/04 09:38
Why do want to know.
Jyk 2010/12/17 18:10
Jimixelly 2010/12/19 22:25
I am a studENT
Ice-Fairy 2010/12/20 07:43
Unknown n why u wanna knw?LOL!/smileyim a shop assistant.
jean11 2010/12/20 12:07
I'm a student.
Sweet_Divyanka 2010/12/20 17:21
Waiter /smiley
Chris_lee 2010/12/23 03:36
o my dept collector accountant councilor consultant astrologist sociologist politics economist . . . no lies all true
ayen 2010/12/31 14:12
My last job is stock in charge in one of a c0smetics c0mpany here in our c0untry. I was planning to came back whenever my leg is going to be better.
superstark 2011/01/23 12:09
Undiscover 2011/01/23 18:25
I dont do job becoz i m stil studying !!!
SAGITTARIUS 2011/01/25 10:30
I do business in cellfones and electrical home appliances./smiley
GhAyAl 2011/01/26 19:48
fityaali at canteen
FLIZGERRAD 2011/01/29 10:19
ACIDized 2011/01/31 16:54
Male stripper
dapson 2011/01/31 16:57
Tatiena 2011/02/04 00:09
Yo joy estudiante... /smiley estudiante de universidad.
FLIZGERRAD 2011/02/05 07:45
am equally a student
Manal 2011/07/26 02:35
Replies: 86

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