Who do u Love? by Karo4t 2009/06/13 08:14
WHo do u luv most ur dad or ur mum?

ZiNeB 2009/10/24 14:28
Quote: Karo4t: WHo do u luv most ur dad or ur mum?
i love only one person d world and no body will take her place in my whole life. (mother)

omon2009 2009/10/24 21:41
God has made both so wonderful 2 me.There4 I luv both.
whitehope 2009/10/25 02:56
I love both of them bcos they are the two special people in my life.
Devon 2009/10/25 04:12
My Wifey... She knows Herself very well.
Cass 2009/10/25 04:34
I love my family
Lobstars 2009/10/25 09:17
I luv my mother most
tottixp 2009/10/25 18:12
I luv my mum n dad bcos witout dem am nobody.


Brianna09 2009/10/26 13:45
Both!! They are both very special to me!!
Wizzykel 2009/10/26 16:13
Wizzykel 2009/10/26 16:15
Wizzykel 2009/10/26 16:18
PACYLA 2009/10/26 16:56
my greatest love is for my father LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU than any one
evil_inside 2009/10/26 19:26
b0th,m0m & dad
Lobstars 2009/10/29 06:44
I luv both but my sweetmother most./smiley:-l
aniesco 2009/10/29 07:16
I luv both of them bozs both are impotent to me, i really luv them so much...
LoneLy_heArt 2009/12/05 09:00
I love both
GOODNESS 2009/12/05 09:41


Prince-Charming 2009/12/05 22:51
My sweet mum dat carried me 4 9 month nd breastfed me.her i luv most,my dad just pays bills.

SAGITTARIUS 2009/12/06 10:02
my parents are deceased.for me the most lovable n valuable person in this world is my 4years old nephew.
Marlou 2009/12/07 12:13
I really love them both.
Replies: 128

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