Who do u Love? by Karo4t 2009/06/13 08:14
WHo do u luv most ur dad or ur mum?

__adisa__ 2014/09/23 13:07
I love............... .roll.
Male1974 2014/10/02 08:04
neither mom or dad! but i love my wife,and my grandson!!
wiLLyRockz 2014/10/04 15:42
Luv ma mum... missing u so mch ma dad /smiley
DARkN3Ss_aNG3L 2014/10/07 16:49
love them both
zadde01 2014/10/08 11:43
Both of them
uonlyliveonce 2014/10/14 15:05
i love both of them bc they are parent
Saiyah 2014/11/04 12:59
lyresh1992 2014/11/08 16:01
both of them...
Replies: 128

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