ARCHIVE: Priority mp3 requests by NinthElement 2009/04/07 16:04
Post your request for any existing song, I will attempt to provide it here within 2-3 days for a fee of 25 pluses (if someone else uploads first they will get the pluses). No charge if your request takes longer to fulfil. Please check the downloads section first to ensure your song doesn't already exist here, also state the album title if applcable and if you'd prefer low size (32kbps, approx 1mb) otherwise I will usually upload regular size (64kbps, approx 2mb). If you request a particular song a second time it will be treated as a new request, also any mp3 request made using a new topic may be treated as belonging in this thread.

Eternal_Knight 2009/10/19 02:58
Quote: Ragnorak: On its way, I'll finish uploading it today.

i jus wanted the title track n not all tracks.. Sorry i did not be specific..

Core_Condor 2009/10/19 03:44
Quote: -SwEeThArT-:
cn u cmpress it into a bit smaller?
Is that OK? ? ? ? ?

-SwEeThArT- 2009/10/19 05:04
Quote: Enrique:

this is kewl,/smiley the paparazzi ReMix is toO biG bt its ok..

Core_Condor 2009/10/19 06:16
Quote: -SwEeThArT-:
this is kewl,/smiley the paparazzi ReMix is toO biG bt its ok..
Quality demands cost

redbLue 2009/10/19 08:06
Ehm tailor swift-you belong to me.. 48kbit.. Hehe
NinthElement 2009/10/19 15:07
Quote: Krillin9:
i jus wanted the title track n not all tracks.. Sorry i did not be specific..
Ok there you go.

NinthElement 2009/10/19 15:12
Quote: redbLue: Ehm tailor swift-you belong to me.. 48kbit.. Hehe
Got it.

WhiskeyGolf2 2009/10/19 21:43
Kelly family, cause its love. Pls pls pretty pls. High bitrate. Hit me Ragman./smiley
WhiskeyGolf2 2009/10/19 21:47
Anybody who dont like the song listed below, aint got no feet!!!!! /smiley
NinthElement 2009/10/20 01:25
Quote: WhiskeyGolf2: Kelly family, cause its love. Pls pls pretty pls. High bitrate. Hit me Ragman./smiley
It's yours. /smiley

redbLue 2009/10/20 06:49
Thanks rag../smiley
Core_Condor 2009/10/20 10:18
Quote: Doofy...: hey in desperate need of 2 mp3 tracks... POET LAUREATE INFINITY V003 n POET LAUREATE INFINITY V004 by a rapper named CANIBUS...pls...
im not sure they r same, but let me know. . . .

WhiskeyGolf2 2009/10/20 16:18
RAGNO for president of 2wap world. You rock brother./smiley
kayusfrank 2009/10/20 18:33
i need (viva forever) by spice girls.
redbLue 2009/10/20 22:30
Emm i need an anime song,title let me be with you an chobits ost..48kbit yes! Hehe
cool_hunk 2009/10/21 15:42
Monsur-16 2009/10/22 10:05
Ebenezer obey
NinthElement 2009/10/22 13:17
Quote: kayusfrank: i need (viva forever) by spice girls.
You've got it.

NinthElement 2009/10/22 14:40
Quote: redbLue: Emm i need an anime song,title let me be with you an chobits ost..48kbit yes! Hehe
Here it is.

NinthElement 2009/10/22 14:49
Quote: Monsur-16: Ebenezer obey
Here's a long track of his.

Replies: 640

This topic is closed.
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