ARCHIVE: Priority mp3 requests by NinthElement2009/04/07 16:04 Post your request for any existing song, I will attempt to provide it here within 2-3 days for a fee of 25 pluses (if someone else uploads first they will get the pluses). No charge if your request takes longer to fulfil. Please check the downloads section first to ensure your song doesn't already exist here, also state the album title if applcable and if you'd prefer low size (32kbps, approx 1mb) otherwise I will usually upload regular size (64kbps, approx 2mb). If you request a particular song a second time it will be treated as a new request, also any mp3 request made using a new topic may be treated as belonging in this thread.
Quote: WhiskeyGolf2: Thanks Raggy. This is a great forum thread.
Could you try find "Stairway to heaven"
but not the Led Zeppelin original. I am lookin for the version done by Far Corporation.
Here you go.
redbLue2009/10/17 23:23 Yes...Yes... Very much thanks!
WhiskeyGolf22009/10/18 03:10 Thanks a mil Ragno. You are the best by a huge margin. Ur doing a great job.
-SwEeThArT-2009/10/18 04:39 Can sOme1 uplOad this sOng plz? Thx in advnce