Free call code by Bravo20 2009/03/27 13:41
How can one call free of zain glo networks(free code)

Tapz 2010/06/09 15:54
Free free
_KJOE_ 2010/06/13 21:04
How can we call free
_KJOE_ 2010/06/13 21:05
VijaY 2010/06/18 17:49
how is dat possible. free calling codes....?? i think its fake.....
Ajay33 2010/06/19 18:30
Select u sim .change proxy. Type 45.844.446.10
Gaius 2010/06/20 19:17
It wil happen someday it's just a matter of time.
ghostfreak 2010/06/29 14:10
i need one
Alasadot 2010/07/08 20:39
Pm me pls
Alasadot 2010/07/21 11:00
Am not sure of dat
Ufoama 2010/07/22 06:42
Is not possible like dat.4 free
AnGeL_BiRd 2010/07/22 11:16
Why do u think 2 cheat the network...???
Be honest bro..!

priceless 2010/07/23 05:42
Is that possible. . .
VijaY 2010/07/27 00:15
Wow!!! free call codes possible ??!!..Thats awesome..But its a kind of cheating the network providers..Be careful...Good Luck
firstfeb 2010/08/14 17:23
C'mon amd finish yur work...
k3lvin 2010/10/05 04:59
Plz tell us if u knw it!
__-dEvIL-hUNt-__ 2010/10/10 11:58
I kn0w/smiley
Toppy4true 2010/10/16 11:52
Can it work
__-dEvIL-hUNt-__ 2010/10/18 14:07
Wr0ng info bro
__-dEvIL-hUNt-__ 2010/10/18 14:07
Quote: firstfeb: C'mon amd finish yur work...

zombies 2010/10/19 09:00
That is the prob...
Replies: 128

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