Free call code by Bravo20 2009/03/27 13:41
How can one call free of zain glo networks(free code)

DrFj 2010/04/10 08:48
Yeh itz possible..
Aamee 2010/04/19 07:34
Not possible
Okeokoro 2010/04/20 17:21
Go straight to the point
Jamotech 2010/04/22 04:30
It is possible for hacker
_vIsHaL_ 2010/04/29 18:35
Hmm possible for sme time using sme applications....but need a internt connectn...
Profesor 2010/04/30 11:59
That is not possible be carefull
Luvcastle2 2010/05/01 20:57
u're thieves
Yungboss 2010/05/04 20:39
Cud that be
raju222 2010/05/17 15:59
really possibile
Henrylord 2010/05/23 20:42
Dat can not happen
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/05/25 10:59
t0tallq p0ssible and free.....
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/05/25 11:00
p0st the shxt fellas
Richa19 2010/05/28 20:18
itz not pozzible


Richa19 2010/05/29 07:00
Quote: Bravo20: How can one call free of zain glo networks(free code)
i nid tat 4 indya

Luvcastle2 2010/05/30 22:14
Quote: Richa19: i nid tat 4 indya

Philliz 2010/05/31 07:13
Forget about this stuff is not a reality.bullshxt
Prosblink 2010/06/01 15:52
How did it happen. Pls take care next time.
Nattyboy 2010/06/04 12:23
Oh boy he nor go fit happen.bcos fre tins fit harm u
Malik19 2010/06/05 14:03
Don't knw
Malik19 2010/06/05 14:04
Do attack
Replies: 128

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