> THINGS YOU NEVER KNEW YOUR CELL PHONE COULD DO!! by ROCKY132008/09/09 17:38 There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it: -
manjsrecord2011/11/30 21:16 N 4 all dowz who sayz d know dis b4 y din't thay shere it since, thay ar just jelus.kp it up dude.
redbLue2011/11/30 23:21 nvr works... such sad technique -smoking-
abraha2011/12/13 08:02 To china mobile tell me battery charging code
cmail2011/12/13 16:59 some usefull code for different mobile
motorola c168 *#**372# & call
moto w220 *#**672#
*7 press together
unlocking master key 1998072
manufacturer date *#403#
search the key function *#3011#
change large to *#3030#
version *#300#
cmail2011/12/13 17:10 some usefull code for different mobile
motorola c168 *#**372# & call
moto w220 *#**672#
*7 press together
unlocking master key 1998072
manufacturer date *#403#
search the key function *#3011#
change large to *#3030#
version *#300#
china mobile for different function starts wid these code
*#3366*# ,
*#66 ,
*#110*01# ,
*#987*99# ,
*#369# ,
*#800# ,
*#11*01# ,
*#987# ,
*#900# ,
master reset code 1122 and 8888