> THINGS YOU NEVER KNEW YOUR CELL PHONE COULD DO!! by ROCKY132008/09/09 17:38 There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it: -
Lucky-jekinsz2011/02/16 09:38 monsur go 2 settings n scrol 2 restore factory sett click on it n pt dis 12345 ur fone wil automatically format its self 2 d way it was wen u but it.
Lucky-jekinsz2011/02/16 09:42 rockey if u wer able 2 get back ur fone can u stil unactivate d lock power on da fone if yes hw or do one need 2 cal service provider again
emperorad19902011/02/21 11:38 2 format your s60v2 phon e.gNokia6600 use this code.*#7370# and is done just thant it'l take a little time,dont worry guys emperorad1990 is out.Soon ill a powerfull formating code.Sign EMPD