Fav colour for your phone by Nemesis 2008/06/07 17:25
I know sum1 who like pink for her phone, do you have fav colour for ur phone?

amos73 2010/01/17 13:26
i luv blue colour 4 my phone bcos it symbolizes luv.
etka 2010/02/03 22:21
mine is green n white
Bright24 2010/02/03 22:33
ReAL_RoCkeR 2010/02/04 17:08
I like black
Barbiecute 2010/03/21 21:07
I lyk silver nd black
evil_inside 2010/03/21 21:10
red and black
j-culture 2010/07/04 18:11
Authentic 2010/07/05 15:29
TrUe_fLoWeR 2010/07/09 14:53
pink n blue
yCe 2010/07/10 12:25
Im using black iphone...
greenpark 2010/07/21 12:00
my fav.color for phone green n black.
_AZeenaa_ 2010/07/21 18:00
Black is the best colour
Robin 2010/07/22 01:27
yes i have black colour
Cyrille 2010/07/22 09:17
apple Phone/smiley
Yungboss 2010/07/22 11:49
Mine is Green
_Terry_ 2010/07/22 16:00
I lyk black coz it's not easy to get dirty
InternetLord 2010/07/22 17:39
I prefer dark blue 4 my phone
KAHOTIC 2010/07/23 18:08
Red mainframe and blue buttons
j-culture 2010/07/24 11:31
sky blue
Xclusiveguy 2010/07/25 16:18
Quote: Nemesis: I know sum1 who like pink for her phone, do you have fav colour for ur phone?
yep mine is black

Replies: 243

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