Fav colour for your phone by Nemesis 2008/06/07 17:25
I know sum1 who like pink for her phone, do you have fav colour for ur phone?

Zaphara 2010/11/01 14:21
For my w955 all are RED and my wallpaper was PINK.
SAGITTARIUS 2010/11/01 15:15
SAGITTARIUS 2010/11/01 18:01
Saintless 2010/11/02 12:45
I like it to be black. Black has always been my favourite colour for most items. /smiley
dapson 2010/11/04 01:17
mine is black and white....
-SwEeThArT- 2010/11/04 05:17
white +chrome . . . .
Rhanie 2010/11/04 18:50
red! /smiley
ufuoma16 2010/11/05 17:54
I like pink,its my favourite colour
Lindi102 2010/11/05 21:26
my phones pink n i luv it. n gold is a gud colour 2.
ANGERprincess 2010/11/09 05:22
Black nd dark red
AGOS2010 2010/11/09 07:55
I like black colour.
Kanchan 2010/11/10 09:48
ya me too i like pink. . black. . silver. ./smiley
Miss_Blackisonline 2010/11/11 19:13
Mine is black
erickyoung 2010/11/12 10:21
Black and darkgold
Shena 2010/11/13 00:11
red and black
Soul.papa 2010/11/25 09:39
dark red or orange nd black
dapson 2010/11/29 04:21
KenMane 2010/12/01 09:13
Silver kills me.
shakti 2011/05/22 04:23
Black or Silver
Primavera 2011/05/23 05:15
I prefer black and black it is... /smiley
Replies: 243

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