the lost books... by TinHeart 2008/01/22 17:36
not many of us know but some of the greatest misteries of the occult lay hidden in some of the most controversial books in history.let me try to explain some of them...

DotmonKing 2009/09/24 06:53
Hmm i'v learnt
Barbiecute 2010/05/23 14:17
Hmm thts interesting
Fluxion 2011/02/06 18:20
Very Interesting
Idris@menu 2011/08/11 12:09
TinHeart 2014/01/17 05:30
Quote: FaceLesS: wer ur info came fr if this books dnt exist ithnk great writers just made sort of such story for the biznes purpose.i gues
Search the history books for how the Bible was created for example.I'm not a Illuminati fan but read the history of The Knight Templars,The Francmasons...FEED YOUR MIND

agbemafleaugustine 2014/03/14 20:38
nice one
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/04 07:43

Replies: 47

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