the lost books... by TinHeart 2008/01/22 17:36
not many of us know but some of the greatest misteries of the occult lay hidden in some of the most controversial books in history.let me try to explain some of them...

TinHeart 2008/04/30 19:42
another misterious and ancient book is SATAN'S BIBLE.This is said to be the satanic version of THE HOLY BIBLE.The Satanic Bible is said to include evil incantations,spells and also summoning rituals.Many versions of the book can be found easely on the internet but the only true version is known only by the memers of a satanic cult.
zolani 2008/05/03 14:46
Did anyone read .the secret.
zolani 2008/05/04 17:26
By the way, the book of the dead is not lost It's at the london museum.
lIVINg_fOSSIl 2008/05/07 09:16
/smiley i need a book of magical spells n voodoo /smiley ima make Jessica Alba my slave /smiley hehehe
TinHeart 2008/05/08 18:22
Zolani,the information provided is not quite right.The REAL Book of Dead has not been found yet...
Unprodigal_daughter 2008/05/09 12:20
If only i could read these books then i'll truly be complete
BuShBaBy 2008/07/09 10:06
Too dark for me
Password 2008/12/06 08:49
Nice... I wish i could read those...
gRim_ReapeR 2008/12/11 11:16
interesting, oh and the in the london museum, is the book of amun ra if im not mistaken
Unpretty_Marie 2008/12/11 11:24
Interesting., i w0uld love to read the first b0ok t0o..
ICON 2009/02/08 17:18
mmm... If it existed... Then there is a good reason why its not found...
ICON 2009/02/08 17:36
does any one know bout the greater and lesser key of king solomon...? Does it exist?
Shush14 2009/02/12 20:36
I wish i could move my hand over that book.
EloraM23 2009/03/11 00:38
Books such as those r lost 4 a reason. Such power should neva b kept in any1 persons hands.
PrinceJE 2009/03/11 03:45
How did u knw so much abt these books
Farmer 2009/05/04 21:12
I have what i think is a fake translation of the book of the dead.. It's very short and doesn't make logical sense.. I also have the necro spellbook with all the spells and a couple others.. But for all u know somebody made them as a hoax.
FaceLesS 2009/05/07 02:16
wer ur info came fr if this books dnt exist ithnk great writers just made sort of such story for the biznes purpose.i gues
Eternal_Knight 2009/05/07 07:25
Thats good i want the first book......
TinHeart 2009/05/08 01:27
i see many of you think that the books never existed...just because these books,each one giving unique knowlege and power of understanding life and death were actually hided away...
Manal 2009/09/18 14:44
Good book
Replies: 47

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