the lost books... by TinHeart 2008/01/22 17:36
not many of us know but some of the greatest misteries of the occult lay hidden in some of the most controversial books in history.let me try to explain some of them...

TinHeart 2008/01/22 17:57
1.THE BOOK OF all started from here.Egiptian of origin,the book of dead is said to countain all the curses,magic spells and secret rituals that could of egiptian culture.It was said that the rituals and the secret incantations in this book could even bring the dead up to life and summon the gods...however,the book is lost and the only references that lead to it are the herogliphs in some piramids and ancient texts..
TinHeart 2008/01/22 18:07
2.RITUALE ROMANUM.This book actually exist.It contains rituals and incantations that a priest must use in an exorcization.It also contain the classification of most known demons and fallen angels and the different
SpArKo 2008/01/22 19:51
Thats interesting /smiley i wish to get that first book that contains info about magical spells /smiley
Po10c-Angel 2008/01/22 21:02
Very Interesting! I Like What I'm Reading & I Wish I Could Get My Hands On These Books! /smiley
Dolphinman 2008/01/23 11:18
Very interesting.
brOkeN_tEarS 2008/01/23 19:12
Nice info.. Would like 2knw more..
TinHeart 2008/01/23 21:16
more infoTHE GOSPEL OF JUDA:not many christians know this but not all the Gospels were included in THE BIBLE.A recent discovery shook the Churc.The Gospel of Juda was recently discovered in a private collection in Egipt.Acording to this Gospel,Juda didn't betray Jesus.He was ASKED by Jesus to betray Him so He could die and return to Heaven.Also,in this book,Juda claims that Jesus had a child whith Mary Magdalen.
yashierz 2008/01/24 03:19
Ahh.. I heard abut the book of juda. I think this book s actualy is one of the other books that s use a preference of a controversal m0vie, i guess
mistic_spice 2008/02/17 08:58
I knew bout juda but the names of the other books i did not. Id love 2 know more
Hkhan 2008/02/18 01:17
About book of dead; its said that few ancient tribes of ancient egipt are still exists,they are 4 tribes,got 4 parts of the book.but non of them knw nothing abt each other,and about the 2nd 3rd n forth parts.0ne who has a part,protect it m0re than his own life and kept it possibly secret.

DOLPHINLADY 2008/02/18 08:57
Thnx 4 interesting info,good thing that 1st bk is lost...imagine it in the wrong hands.
Eklavya 2008/02/19 19:02
lol i lyk dat two typ books also /smiley
TinHeart 2008/02/19 20:09
sexymarx,that story is just a mith....nobody has the Book of Dead...the last reference was leading to the Francmasons but that,i belive is just another fairytale..
Lovely 2008/02/24 13:58
Hmm realy interesting!
storm 2008/02/26 14:42
hmm...i'm not sure you actually can find it since it's widely believed to be a myth...the necronomicon was orginally believed to be a true book as well...not so much.
gInGeRjAdE 2008/02/26 18:38
I wouldnt mind reading those books. /smiley exploring them.
mistic_spice 2008/02/27 18:41
Oh realy @ thesaint, where is it then hm?
TinHeart 2008/04/17 04:37
also,not many other books were lost or hidden by different cults.But some of the writers of the books were cleaver enough to anticipate these actions and left precious clues in their creations.Just think at Leonardo Da Vinci,one of the world's greatest artist and inventor.He left many clues to the message he wanted to leave in paintings such as Mona Lisa and The Last Supper,any many other clues are yet to be discovered.For more info read
-linda- 2008/04/19 13:31
/smiley wow interesting /smiley i iove 2 read those bks /smiley
Guinevere 2008/04/20 07:00
The Old Egyptians knew so much more about "mystic" things than we will ever know... These books arent meant to be found.

Replies: 47

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