Fun & Comedy 2694 Topics

Comedy, jokes, quizes, word games, competitions, chat topics and more can be found here.

Arrange!!! 3 by Frank4u 2015/03/10
Arrange these letters to form a word: 'MRATOICN' Tips: Men & Women use it. Parents love it....
Sucide or murder 7 by ABHIRAJ 2015/05/01
It's Funny When People Discuss Love Marriage Vs Arranged. It's Like Asking Someone, If Suicide Is...
Fill in the blanks 10 by ABHIRAJ 2015/05/03
Guy just 4 fun..Please fill in the blanks as u wish,whatever u want... I like my.............,,,b...
Men Without Wives 5 by saahir 2015/05/03
Vajpayee, Kalam and Modi have proved that if there is no disturbance from wife in life, even a poet,...
Husband takes the wife!!! 5 by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/03
Husband takes the wife to a disco. There's a guy on the dance floor giving it large - break dancing,...
privacy 4 by Jinuyohannan 2013/08/31
which s n the privacy n wapwrld ?...
A man retens home!!! 3 by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/03
A man returns home and find his wife with his best friend. He takes out the gun and shoots his frie...
Dangerous Alphabet 'W' 6 by ABHIRAJ 2015/05/01
Which Is The Most Dangerous Alphabet? 'W' Bcoz All Worries Start With 'W'. Who, Why, What, When...
New 1x5 wapworld 13 by saahir 2015/05/01
Lets make a new team for 2wap consisting on One beautiful Admin and five handsome mods. Post your ap...
Guess weight 36 by ABHIRAJ 2015/04/14
Hey guy its jusi for fun...just guess weight of person above you...
2wap latest news!!! 3 by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/30 is invisible-haha3-...
Still confused... 4 by Doncle 2013/04/28
After having failed his exams in logistics,Akpors goes and confronts his lecturer about it. Akpo...
liars by Kgoxz... 9 by Kgoxz 2013/05/08
A preacher finished the service one morning by saying,"next Sunday, I am going to preach on the sub...
how to fly a plane. 10 by InternetLord 2013/09/05
A cleaner who has dreamt all his life to fly a plane was hired to clean airplanes. One day, he was...
Ear Fix. 7 by yemadep 2013/01/14
A man lost both ears in an accient. No plastic surgeon could offer him a solution. He consulted a Do...
politics by Kgoxz... 9 by Kgoxz 2013/04/26
A little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is politics?" Dad says, "Well son, let me try to expl...
top secret 7 by InternetLord 2013/06/23
TOP SECRET: If u're kissing ur gal frend and she's moving close to her window...please stop and run...
dnt be over smart :-) (indians) 6 by mohit-km 2013/06/25
God:What do you want? , Boy:A very beautiful girl! , God:If you are a muslim I will give you K...
Laugh,laugh & laugh 23 by Saphire_flames 2011/01/30
1. Nice Source Of Income:- A motorist, after being bogged down in a muddy road, paid a passing fa...
Example of girl's brain 10 by Kakaji 2013/04/28
The ATM Machine Jammed (stopped working) Because Of... . . . . . . . . . . . . An int...
Topics: 2694
