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what a sentimental touch! by BhAnUSaNdEeP 2011/12/03 05:59
3 FRIENDS going to their
room at 100th floor of
One day LIFT was not
Nurse Little Lost Cat by Okikiola 2012/04/29 18:21
Nurse lost her little cat in the hospital....[br/][br/][b]Nurse:-[/b] 'Any one got a pussy?' (all wo...
3 fishermen by _Terry_ 2011/01/21 00:26
Three fishermen are out sailing when suddenly a hand appears in the sea.
Hearts.Devil:Whats dat?!It...
Lolz ^_^ by scarllete 2011/12/03 02:24
One day,i texted my bf..he broke up with me..
We did fight in that day ...
In my anger,i thrown aw...
LaF uR SorRowS ouT...part 5 by MisIndependent 2010/09/15 15:31
A doctor walks in2 his patient's room. D doctor tells him,"i hav some bad news n some worse news. Wh...
overact!! by BhAnUSaNdEeP 2011/12/04 02:57
A girl died
and her soul was taken to
angels were shocked to
see her heart still
BEAUT CURE FOR A HEADACHE by aprillia 2012/05/16 07:32
Samu was at the bar one night and complained abt having headache.
Mr.A : I have a beaute cure for a...
kiss and tell by yeshwa 2011/04/16 03:25
If you're gonna kiss the poster above you,which part of the face would you kiss him or her??
sports fun:-) by Salmankhan 2010/07/12 09:05
guess the next pers0n il fan of which sport?
TYPES OF LADIES by saahir 2013/11/06 17:34
Technically there are seven
Types of Ladies:
1) Haerd disc Lady:
She remembers everything
Great People Great Thoughts by saahir 2013/08/21 15:48
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.
~Love of a Guy~ by KingFISHER 2012/10/15 15:14
Girl: How much do you love me?
Boy: Look at the sky and count the
Girl: But, it's daytime....