Fun & Comedy 2694 Topics

Comedy, jokes, quizes, word games, competitions, chat topics and more can be found here.

Math magic 4 by SAFDAR 2013/07/13
Maths Magic: ur Cell number's last digit, x 2, + 5, x 50, + ur age, + 365, & - 615. The la...
You Hate It When... 3 by Rebellion 2013/07/14
[b]You Hate It When...[/b]...
How long or Short are you? 6 by BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/07/07
Post your height here -lol- If you are allright with this -haha- .. Mine is 5ft 9in...
Above mess creat wth you? 5 by _SonIcGirL_ 2013/07/18
Above created mess with u any time in wap life?-lost-...
One gud one bad 8 by _SonIcGirL_ 2013/07/18
write one good and one bad for above user....according to u....START FROM ME!!!!-hehe-...
will u suppose to 5 by RaNcOrOuS 2010/04/04
will u ever suppose to love & marry with the person who post above u.. say yes, no, or may be...
MARRIAGE 12 by _SonIcGirL_ 2013/07/18
IN Y0UR OPINION ~ Which is the best age to get married ?.think....
Teasing Unlimited 5 by allexclusive 2013/07/25
You can tease any1 here without permission Dashman has too many girlfriends...
Can you be my girlfriend? 6 by _MuMzY-StrAng3r_ 2011/03/30
Hey all girls can u want to be my girlfriend? Then flirt with me here lol make me more flirty tha...
Who is the most crazy here? 6 by little_mermaid 2013/06/09
who is the most crazy here? even sometimes make u angry, and feels wanna kill him/her. -crazy-...
UR MESSAGE FOR UR VALENTINE 9 by _SonIcGirL_ 2013/07/18
If ur gf/bf has a white t~shirt&u have a black pen what wud u like to write on dat t-shirt as a msg ...
Most handsome 11 by _SonIcGirL_ 2013/07/19
The most handsome 2wapworld male /female user?:P...
Country with most friends at 2wap 9 by BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/07/07
Which country has provided you most of your friends at 2wap. ... For me most of my friends here be...
Cutest moment 5 by Sweetcapricorn 2012/01/30
Share ur cutest moment of life.... ...
Fun Fact! 14 by _SnOwBoY_ 2015/05/09
Most people yawn when they read the word "yawn" or "yawning" Do u? -yawn-...
Word of the day 10 by LoneLy_heArt 2010/02/28
Your favorite word of the day...
just for laugh... 4 by _ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/23
Sasur ne Daamaad se kaha : 6 saale me 8 baache.Ye kya hai? Daamaad : Maine aapse kaha tha Gareeb j...
Fact 12 by Georginia 2014/06/16
When i was young m scared of the darkness. But now when i see the electricity bill,, M scared of t...
10 by Aita 2013/04/11
whatz your botanical name 2 by Jow 2013/08/20
Am JOW, n my botanical name is jowthalophytatidae... Letz catch diz fun 2geda, say urs!...
Topics: 2694
