Comedy, jokes, quizes, word games, competitions, chat topics and more can be found here.
Best funny joke contest...18 by Ashok1432013/02/18
(hello) you#! Once again i m back with new contest for you share your creativity & win. In this you ...
Flood Control..!!!4 by saahir2014/05/18
Only one word in English dictonary ends with mth..
Write it and close this topic. -haha-
Because ...
Sam's funneral5 by ABHIRAJ2015/06/09
Wife gives a treat to her husband on his birthday,and takes him to a dance club...
Doorman: Hi Sa...
Old Grannies...1 by _ShAnE_StArK_2015/06/14
Three mischievous old Grannies were sitting on a
bench outside a nursing home when an old
Grandpa ...
First gf/bf..15 by _Terry_2010/07/30
Guess in what age the person above u,when (s)he got his/her boyfriend or girlfriend?...
GuL'z.. british girl.15 by _-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_2011/08/17
W!FE 2 GUL-: !am go!ng 2 london what g!ft do u want?
GUL-: one br!t!sh g!rl.