Comedy, jokes, quizes, word games, competitions, chat topics and more can be found here.
Wht does women want most in bed15 by taxi7072013/05/10
Tell us, what does women want the most in bed ? -rofl2- And dnt get pink ideas ok. This is 4fun only...
BEST USERNAME27 by The_Torpid2012/06/28
post the best username you thought you have seen....
Person above uhh !!!!23 by Rixonx2013/11/14
GUess here, what kind of person who post before you... ?
4. INTE...
First Letter 41 by linah2011/12/29
Describe the person above u with th 1st letter ur name.. one word :))...
whom do u want to be ? b-)7 by Crownstar2013/09/18
whom do u want to be in ur own generation,an inspirer,a doctor, a drunk or a money maker etc -lol-...
jacki in London10 by Rebellion2012/10/17
Jacki went to london,she was walking on a street which had clock tower when someone asked her if she...
Funny smiley collection177 by _EdGE_2011/12/23
Nothing to do here just post a joking smiley that after seeing that everyone starts laughing u also ...
I can't recognised you2 by Samuel0992016/02/09
A 54 year old woman had a heart attack & was taken 2 the hospital.
While on the operating table s...
A little girl & boy,,,7 by _ShAnE_StArK_2016/02/09
A little girl and boy are fighting about the
differences between the sexes, and which one is
lucky day,,,6 by _ShAnE_StArK_2016/02/08
Friends! If user#Ragnorak makes you for one day Ragnorak and gives you all the site power what will ...
Request Request29 by Dunrichie2011/07/22
If you were asked to request anything from the above poster, What would you like to request?...