Fun & Comedy 2694 Topics

Comedy, jokes, quizes, word games, competitions, chat topics and more can be found here.

3 Letter word game 2 by Anoop8187 2014/07/04
u write any three letter words ...
*blonde laptop* 8 by jaQui 2012/11/17
Blonde girl went to an electronic shop with anger and threw her new laptop on the desk at a pers...
Most dangerous alphabet;) 40 by haris 2011/01/10
WHICH IS THE MOST DANGEROUS ALPHABET OF ALL? "W" coz, all worries start with "W" WHO W...
Angels of Death 7 by saahir 2016/05/02
Ramu was very much tired and trying to sleep. A moment he closed his eyes, two angels apeared before...
A to Z 11 by BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/07/07
Write a word that starts with A and contains Z too. Word may or maynot end with Z but should contai...
Time 32 by Sweetcapricorn 2012/02/05
Select ur fav time in the day morning time sun rising time afternoon time eating time sleeping ...
6 Letter word Game 88 by Rohan786 2014/05/28
-hi- [b]Write any word of 6 letter [/b] [small]Example- Flower, Status, etc[/small] [u]Freeposting n...
Word ending with D 183 by Rohan786 2014/05/20
[b]Write a word that ends with letter[/b] [big]D[/big] [b]Note-[/b] [u]Freeposting not allowed[/u]...
"W" ending words 117 by Georginia 2014/06/16
Write a word ending with "W"...
Words Spelling Game! 14 by Ajibola 2016/04/10
Let's catch some fun here by playing this game called "Word game starting and ends with same letter"...
what are you addicted with....?? 73 by Rohan786 2013/12/12
every one is addicted with something or the other what r u addicted to......?? ♥Cellphone ♥F...
Cell fone v/s people 3 by Sheela_M 2016/04/25
Cell Phones These Days Keep Getting Thinner And Smarter… And People are going just Opposite. ...
Choice is yours 10 by ABHIRAJ 2016/01/15
Faithful Husband Will Go Straight To Heaven And Unfaithful Husbands Will Enjoy Heaven On Earth. C...
Double meaning Fun Quizz 1 by zugzwang 2016/04/25
each correct reply reward 200+es .... first quest 1)what is the name of dat small thing.which go...
Girls are over Imaginative when a boy send Text :D 8 by Sumita 2013/02/08
Ma one of friend Inbox me message as Girls r over imaginative when a boy sends a text Boy: Hey Gi...
Only ONE WORD with x 43 by MUNNA.MJ 2014/02/27
Write name...
akpors jokes exist here as many as i could get 21 by Crownstar 2013/12/06
After two weeks in Dubai, Akpors came back to Naija with the American slang/accent. He flew in late ...
101 ways to anoy ppl..!!! 47 by Monkeyboy 2009/03/17
1. Sing the Batman theme incessantly. 2. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sensua...
choose person u lik 32 by Seether 2009/11/27
its easy 2 play... only chose person from the 3 poster, who posted b4 u......
Argument of the day: 2 by SKYZ 2016/04/18
Argument of the day: wikipedia:i know everything. Google:i have everything. Facebook:i know every...
Topics: 2694
