Fun & Comedy
Comedy, jokes, quizes, word games, competitions, chat topics and more can be found here.
pappu loves a girl 5 by
Rohan786 2014/05/17
Pappu: I love you!
Girl: Phurrrr...
Pappu: I'll even die for you.
Girl: Phurrrr...
Pappu: I can'...
Riddle-4 1 by
Rohan786 2014/05/18
What has 88 keys but cant open a single door.....??...
Riddle-2 3 by
Rohan786 2014/05/18
What had room but no doors and windows...???...
for sale 12 by
latrine 2012/05/02
This topic is for sale plz inbox dashman for a price...
Descrive ur mood 16 by
_SonIcGirL_ 2013/07/18
Sometimes we frequently have m0od changes affected by different factors Using our smilies here, kind...
Hmmmmm wonders 7 by
Doncle 2014/04/04
Hmmmmm wonder will neva end ooo ....
A pastor married a jealous woman..One day, the woman was in th...
the garage 4 by
pricy 2014/04/02
A man forgot to zip up his trousers, so a lady tells him politely, "Sir your garage is open."
die for me? 1 by
pricy 2014/04/02
A man was trying to prove his love for his girlfriend and the following conversation ensued.
True love 4 by
NIGHT_ANGEL 2014/03/28
BOy ask
girl for a kiss
Girl simply close her eyes and
allow the boy
for a kiss
Apology for killing 5 by
Doncle 2014/04/07
A woman prepared some vegetable soup for herself and her husband.
When they were about to eat, the...
Akpors Again.........? 2 by
Doncle 2014/04/07
Nawa for all these rich people. Akpos went to see a friend from a very rich family.
The maid appro...
Great 4 by
NIGHT_ANGEL 2013/12/19
Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.
Difference 2 by
NIGHT_ANGEL 2013/12/20
Difference: It’s funny when people discuss LOVE MARRIAGE Vs ARRANGED.
It’s like asking someone,...
puzzle 4 by
Georginia 2014/01/09
What start with"T" ends with "T" and has "T" inside
!!I Look Like U!!. 8 by
-LILY- 2014/01/04
Hey Plz Tell Me Very Frankly,
Do I Look
Plz Te...
♥ Amazing ♥ 4 by
prince24 2014/01/17
*>January——- I kickedÂ
>February—— I lovedÂ
>March——– I karate choppedÂ
Topics: 2694