Fun & Comedy

Comedy, jokes, quizes, word games, competitions, chat topics and more can be found here.

"Propose day" by Dragon358 2012/11/04 20:24
Hey U Know Which is the best day to propose a girl.. April 1 U Know Why?? If she accept its your ...
LETS PLAY THIS GAME! by Doncle 2012/11/16 10:59
LETS PLAY THIS GAME! Comment with any word, then the next person should start his/her word with the...
Your film by KiSSu 2011/04/01 06:59
You are a director lets start your make your movie. But you want your actors. So post name of actor ...
Woww itS FUNN..... by Friendship_slambook 2011/11/23 19:02
For boys wat wil u wish to do if u becum a GIRL fr one day Nd fr girls wat wil u wish to do if u be...
LEt mE ThinK ABOuT It HeY.. by _rOcK_ 2012/11/22 11:18
If yOU Got a cHANCE to bECOME a MILLIonairE bY Doing a sIMPLE tasK, that Iz yOU wiLL Have tO MAke ...
A Beggar by Doncle 2012/11/25 13:16
A Beggar who sits close to First Bank Ozoro usually held a plate when begging and i usually give hi...
Whose PMs?? by The_Torpid 2012/11/24 07:24
Hey Guyz!.hello.Suppose U Have PMs From All Of Ur Buddies Whose Pms Would U Read First??Post His/Her...
Meet Me Half Way... by TheMouse 2011/05/28 04:11
-money- ...A man prays to God with fervour: 'Dear God, this week, please, make we win the lottery!' ...
Student know everythIng by ____THe.bosS 2011/08/13 20:41
In School -Teacher: Hamesha kaho ki mujhe sab pata hai...!! At Home .. Chotte : Papa mujhe s...
12 Italian priests by _drk_ 2011/04/26 04:54
‎​Twelve Italian priests were about to be ordained. The final test was for them to line ...
A real sad story -lol- by shacc 2011/07/20 22:58
A boy loved a girl but never proposed her. With lots of confidence..One day he decided to tell ...
Teacher Ginamarie by THE_SPEAR_KING 2011/12/03 08:11
Ginamarie: What is the first month? Student: January Ginamarie: What is the second month? ...
WilL u WaLk iN dA rAiN wItHpErSon AbOvE....u...... by _dreamprince_ 2011/03/24 17:36
WilL u WaLk iN dA rAiN wItH pErSon AbOvE....u............
Love me... Love me NOT by cool_hunk 2009/11/05 22:54
If U find the poster above u hot, cute, sexy or watever.... Say Love Me-mwah- OR Love Me NOT-no- ...
wife/Husband Name by shacc 2010/10/02 19:11
Choose a suitable wife/husband NAME for the person above !...
***Who would you draw? by _SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/03 15:27
Just imagin If your drwing -paint- will come to life,who would you draw and why? -haba-...
Your B'day by BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/07/07 06:31
When is your b'day?...
Funniest:P by _SonIcGirL_ 2013/07/19 08:18
Who Do You find most funniest here???...
Eyes can say it all by Princess_Jasmine 2013/01/01 13:34
Can u describe above persons eyes in 1 word?...
Give/ take by _SonIcGirL_ 2013/07/19 11:28
For above pers0n,just give and take s0mething to him/her....
