Fun & Comedy 2694 Topics

Comedy, jokes, quizes, word games, competitions, chat topics and more can be found here.
~Funny Quotes~ 97 by DareDevil 2011/02/07
Post here all your funny quotes. -lol- -yum- [b]Note :[/b] [i]No Free Posting Please ![/i]...
Boys vs Girls 786 by Roshill 2006/08/11
YoU think Only yOU can play yetti prankS on us well time in fOr our kills fellar. Come on guyS letS ...
Peace Peace Peace .peace. 136 by jaQui 2012/10/08
Peepz lets have Peace on 2wap! Lets take hands in this topic..! Everytime u pass here u take the las...
Girls vs Boys 513 by angellove 2006/08/10
Funny definitions 300 by bad-apple 2009/03/05
CIGARETTE: A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other! LECT...
Smiley contest - vote now 16 by NinthElement 2015/09/13
In this thread (in no particular order) are the top ten smilies chosen by myself from the [topic=336...
Forum Rules by EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/06/28
This forum is the heaven of Comedy and Humour. Feel free to laugh and make others LOL. Jokes in lang...

1 word with T . 156 by Phoebe3 2013/08/06
pls write a word with T. Thank...
laugh 3 5 by MegaBoltz 2016/01/31
ARMED ROBBER: Your money or your life?AKPOS: I don't have money and I have given my life to ChristAR...
DEDICATE 48 by THE_SPEAR_KING 2011/03/25
Its Very simple just dedicate a song for the poster before u. May be hindi/english only. (d...
Slay queens 3 by Samuel099 2018/12/13
You're not Schooling, You're not Working, You depend on guys fully and instead of you to be posti...
Laugh hahahahaa 4 by MegaBoltz 2016/01/31
In a physics class...TEACHER: Who can define ForceKEMI: Force is an interaction between two physical...
Last Time You Had Sex ?? 53 by Heavens_DeviL 2010/02/11
A crusty old Sergeant Major found himself at a gala event hosted by a local liberal arts college. Th...
Name 1 thing tht u cant leavehouse without. . 42 by _dreamprince_ 2011/03/24
Name 1 thing tht u cant leave house without. .my mobile...
Your view 8 by parth247 2019/06/26
What is your most beautiful moment of your life ??...
DOG, CAT, OR MONKEY 42 by Laketempest 2011/03/14
Which of the 3 animals would you prefer having as a pet? And why? (a) dog. (b) cat. (c) monkey...
Arrest. . . . 26 by THE_SPEAR_KING 2011/05/10
The above user is greedy, selling expiry/illigal products. . . So for what u will arrest him/her...
Smartest Man in the World 30 by Saphire_flames 2011/01/16
A doctor, a lawyer, a little boy and a priest were out for a Sunday afternoon flight on a small priv...
A Girls First Time 24 by Doncle 2012/11/25
A Girls First Time He asks if you're afraid and you shake your head bravely. He has had more expe...
Word with Re 79 by Rohan786 2015/02/12
-hi-Write a word starting with [big]Re[/big] [small]Example- Rewrite, Reversed[/small] [i]>>Freepos...
Last Letter ..Movie Game!! 33 by Popeye 2009/04/17
Hi PPL i will write a name of movie. So what you have to do just pick up the last letter and Post a ...
percentage% of love? 8 by akotdimo 2021/02/12
what is a percentage of your love toward your friends 1) 100% 2) 75% 3) 50%% 4) 25...
Laugh 2 2 by MegaBoltz 2016/01/31
A Pastor was preaching to his congregation...PASTOR: Be prepared for we don't know when the Lord wil...
TV channel with your above 26 by _SonIcGirL_ 2013/07/18
Suppose u and your above sit on sofa and watching tv. Remote in your hand. Which channel want watch ...
Joke 11 by Milisha 2021/01/22
There are five friends named *somebody *,*nobody,**mad,stupid and fool* *somebody and *nobody were f...
Haha 5 by Adhira 2021/03/10
One afternoon ateacher was in a certain class the day was ahot one. then: TEACHER: Good afternoon...
"Play A Game 15 by jaQui 2017/08/14
Just a game...
Topics: 2694
