General Area 2797 Topics

A forum for life in general. Post about news, social matters, relationships, lifestyle, or anything on your mind.

Joke 2 2 by Davisville 2021/01/26
This was a conversation between a wife and a husband. The wife was addmitted to the hospital, whem s...
Male & Female Sex Doll For Use... 42 by Ajibola 2018/01/24
Its everywhere on internet, shops & local stores of male & female sex doll for human use to replace ...
I miss you mom 5 by Milisha 2020/12/27
I miss you so much mom. My mind knows that you are in a better place where there is no pain. You ar...
Happy Raksha Bandhañ 6 by ABHIRAJ 2019/07/31
The bonding between a brother and a sister is simply unique,and is beyond description in words The ...
I am sure that would be you 7 by ABHIRAJ 2019/08/28
A Middle Class Boy Asks His High Class Girlfriend: "If I Go Very Poor, Will You Accept Me?" Girl ...
"Life Is A Celebration" 22 by -LILY- 2014/11/06
Life is a celebration after day comes night after night day again after birth comes death after...
***TODAY_BIRTHDAY_LIST*** by Alluarjun_FaN 2021/01/09
Reach to Home safe and sound 11 by KingFISHER 2021/01/06
Wish you may have a safe and sound journey BBY user#Milisha . She is going to Guyana from USA . I mi...
chanderyaan2 5 by zugzwang 2019/09/08
india's most ambitiousmission moon chanderyaan 2 reached to moon and landed on its south pole but t...
Storytime 5 by keltikfury 2020/10/12
Once upon a time...
Milisha is Plus 1 9 by Maryam 2020/10/24
You are a year older today #Milisha We are wishing You all the Happiness you deserve. May ur Bi...
Happy Biirthday to you SonicGirl 5 by HandsomeDon 2020/10/24
Hi friends! _SonIcGirL_ is going to celebrate her birthday on 24th October. -birthday2- hap...
Pray for Mom 17 by KingFISHER 2020/10/13
Hi dear ! My love ❤️ user#Milisha is passing through a hard time. Her Mom got admitted in hospit...
He's Been There... 6 by Maryam 2020/10/09
When I cry, When I'm heartbroken,When I laugh,When there's been rough times. When I'm mad, When I'm...
mastingo 2 by keltikfury 2020/10/06
manze mastingo ni mingi,naeza kuonysha hivi uchanganykiwe. Chief wa mstingo!! wacha maswali hii na...
50 MILLION DOLLARS DEAL by keltikfury 2020/10/06
2WAP FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT 2020/2021 4 by keltikfury 2020/10/03
Hi new 2Wappers!!! The football season is here.We are creating a tournament here where our contestan...
Covid-19 2 by keltikfury 2020/09/27
does anyone here have hope that the cure to this disease will be found?well,to me i know the cure is...
Scrabble 1 by keltikfury 2020/09/27
who loves playing scrabble?...
Search 6 by Tweetums 2020/09/13
What did you Google last?...
Topics: 2797
