General Area 2797 Topics

A forum for life in general. Post about news, social matters, relationships, lifestyle, or anything on your mind.

LiV3 WiTh0uT 19 by Tweetums 2019/07/18
Friends, What is the one thing you can't live without ? .tweety....
*Improve The Site* 23 by jaQui 2016/01/24
If there is no HATE and SELFISHNESS , the site will eventually improve. We have such a LOVELY site w...
Hello 5 by ehriebear 2022/01/28
I wonder if anyone I know is still here. My old account has been deleted. 🥺 I don't even know whe...
Mr. and Miss 2wapworld contests 8 by Davisville 2021/09/21
Hello Admins and moderators, please answer my question; Will there be a miss or mr. 2wapworld contes...
My one year here 2 by Davisville 2022/01/02
Hi guys... It's been exactly one year since I joined this site... I found it amazing and wish to ...
The reflection of our own thoughts 4 by HandsomeDon 2017/04/03
While surfing/searching I find an inspirational story: Once a dog ran into a museum where all the w...
Unfaithful partners 5 by ashwinjk 2021/10/17
When a man or woman get married, then he or she begins their life, with great love n devotions,they ...
Children Day, 14 November 2021 1 by ABHIRAJ 2021/11/13
Children Are The Keys Of Paradise, The Best Thing To Spend On Ur Children Is Ur Time.. Give A Litt...
GOD Bless You by Smoggy 2021/11/01
called be The Holy. Jesus, Divine Peace, ...
Life is a...... 14 by Tweetums 2019/09/07
Life is a gift we're given each and every day. Dream about tomorrow, but live for today. To live a...
How do you visit 2wapworld? 6 by Davisville 2021/09/18
do u visit 2wapworld with the app or through the website? share your idea! [br] poll#9691...
IT'S OKAY..!!! 11 by Maryam 2019/09/04
REMEMBER, IT'S OKAY TO: • Say "no" • Tell the truth. • Believe differently. • Follow y...
Don't ignore a person 2 by ABHIRAJ 2021/09/26
Never Ignore A Person, Who Loves U, Cares For U, And Miss U.. Bcoz, One Day U May Wake Up From ...
Best relations.. 2 by ABHIRAJ 2021/09/21
Best Relations Do Not Need Promises Terms Or Conditions.. They Just Need Two Wonderful Persons.. ...
SILENT IS BETTER. 11 by ...ROCKY... 2021/03/19
S̲o̲m̲e̲t̲i̲m̲e̲s̲ i̲t̲’s̲ b̲e̲t̲t̲e̲r̲ t̲o̲ k̲e̲e̲p̲ s̲i̲l̲e̲n̲t̲ t...
Cry and try by ABHIRAJ 2021/09/07
Cry and try have only one latter's difference in spelling, but a lots of meaning Cry collapse our ...
Rape victim Rabia Saifi murder 4 by ABHIRAJ 2021/09/06
A 21-year-old Civil Defence Officer, Rabiya Saifi, was allegedly murdered in Delhi. She was kidnappe...
THE LORD'S PRAYER: 1 by PATIENCE12 2021/09/05
Our Father Who Art In Heaven,Hallowed Be Thy Name,Thy Kingdom Come.Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It I...
GOLDEN RULE: 2 by PATIENCE12 2021/09/05
Do Unto Others What U Want Them To Do For You....
Do Unto Others What U Want Them To Do For You.Never Overcome Evil For Evil But Overcome Evil With Go...
Topics: 2797
