Use ADSL/dial up on Cell by Heavens_DeviL 2007/07/10 07:18
Now there are many tutorials out there to use ur GPRS on pc. Many of u mite hv wondered if there was any way to use ur pc internet on phone. So here im gonna post a detailed tutorial. :) Steps if followed exactly as posted here will result in success :P So watchout !!!! I MYSELF HAVE TESTED IT AND IT WORKED FINE ON MY NOKIA 3250. SO THIS TUTORIAL GONNA COVER NOKIA S60 PHONES ONLY COZ I HVNT TESTED IT ON OTHER PHONES

Holumiedey 2009/09/16 06:37
I dont understand some part


Princesa04 2009/10/07 07:40
Ii will try it but i need 2 change my cel unit...-2thumbsup-
Musane 2009/11/19 22:18
I will try it
k.smehta 2009/11/23 09:32
[quote=Heavens_DeviL]U need an app called GNUBOX for this. Its a free app. Install it on ur phone. Additionally u
Doofy... 2009/11/30 16:15
i got a way 2 4 cell c bt its a bit different...
Samugana 2010/02/14 19:03
I need opera cheat 4 n6600
olat 2010/02/14 20:05
Lilsaint 2010/03/06 20:07
It worked nicely
Govind.N 2010/04/22 04:35
Dont know about dial up
Jamotech 2010/04/22 18:54
-crazylol . oh-
Jamotech 2010/04/22 19:03
You are good in science.
VijaY 2010/06/18 17:39
Oh god. This z an awesome topic..... I ll surely try dis
Dahrey 2010/06/23 09:22
Where can i get pc suite
ibitechs2005 2010/07/20 04:47
Can this still be working now?
Raphael_DEmedion 2010/08/22 11:57
itz lil bit l0nQ trQ dai bluet00th dailup m0dem!,itx tiQht t00!
PHOSPHOR 2010/08/26 22:52
I never knew this was possible. How did you figure it out???
endur 2010/08/29 09:36
Das nice
_NiHaL_ 2010/09/07 05:41
M confused.-confuse- yar
Afolayan 2010/09/10 04:30
Thanks for the info.
Solostino 2010/09/10 07:42
Don't u have any 4 nokia 3310c.
Replies: 83

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