Use ADSL/dial up on Cell by Heavens_DeviL2007/07/10 07:18 Now there are many tutorials out there to use ur GPRS on pc. Many of u mite hv wondered if there was any way to use ur pc internet on phone. So here im gonna post a detailed tutorial. :) Steps if followed exactly as posted here will result in success :P So watchout !!!! I MYSELF HAVE TESTED IT AND IT WORKED FINE ON MY NOKIA 3250. SO THIS TUTORIAL GONNA COVER NOKIA S60 PHONES ONLY COZ I HVNT TESTED IT ON OTHER PHONES
Heavens_DeviL2007/07/10 08:00 Launch gnuBox on ur phone. Some configuration text will be displayed: (Loading CommDb settings) ISP Bt Not found Go to Options > Debug > Dump CommsDB and wait till the confirmation dialog box appears (about 10 seconds). Exit the GnuBOX. Now we r going to create an Access Point. Go to phn menu : Tools > Settings > Connection > Access Points > Options > New access point > Use default settings.
Heavens_DeviL2007/07/10 08:06 Fill the configuration with these settings: Connection Name - Bt Data Bearer - Data Call DialUp Number - 321 Once done, go 2 Options>Advanced settings: phone IP Address - automatic primary Name Server - Second Name Server - proxy serv. Address - (This is the fixed IP address used by mRouter) proxy port no. - 6588
Heavens_DeviL2007/07/10 08:25 On PC launch mRouter. Right click on mRouter icon in TRAY BAR near clock on ur desktop. Click on Advanced Settings. Here u will find a description Additional COM ports and a VIEW button near it. Click on View button. Now choose the COM ports u want mRouter to connect with. If u r unsure select them all lol Also make sure ur phn is paired with ur PC.
Heavens_DeviL2007/07/10 08:30 Now it's time to configure the Nokia Phone in order to connect to our mRouter and proxy through Bluetooth. Launch GnuBOX: Options > Install > Create Records Options > Exit Relaunch GnuBox. Options > 2box Bluetooth > Serial Port. You will be asked to choose a Bluetooth Device. Select ur PC. Click YES/OK when asked Do you want to require encryption?. Exit the GnuBOX
Heavens_DeviL2007/07/10 08:38 Relaunch gnuBox (TIRED HEHH ?? ) Options > Debug > use mRouter Options > Exit -rofl- Relaunch gnuBox pmpl Options > Debug > test comm channel Go to the Web application and start SURRRRRRFFFFFIIING !! Make sure u hv selected Bt as default access point in ur web services
SpArKo2007/07/10 19:20 Wow thats a very helpful topic, thanx so much.. but its jst complicated though!
Heavens_DeviL2007/07/11 01:14 lol I wouldnt say its complicated, its just a bit lengthy.
Nautica2007/07/11 01:15 Trust me, Sparko, even the process of making this topic is already confusing for me -rofl-
Heavens_DeviL2007/07/11 01:22 I said sumthing nautica ? lol
SpArKo2007/07/11 01:45 Lol but nah NAUTICA.. he did do a gud job, it'l be a gr8 help 2 me
Heavens_DeviL2007/07/12 01:35 Thanx 2 Ragnorak, links to necessary apps added
KingFISHER2007/07/16 10:55 its seems lyk complicated bt i thnik whn we start 2 do it step by step thn it wud be easier.
Heavens_DeviL2007/07/16 12:08 Im again saying its not complicated. Just a lengthy procedure but wot matters is if it works or not and its working 100 % -up-
Hano2007/07/23 13:05 Not complicated ,bloody confusing ..haaahaha.. uh how expensive is it ?
Heavens_DeviL2007/07/25 15:28 Expensive ? huhhhh Well almost everyone pays for his/her ADSL broadband connection. Thats all. It dsnt matters if u use it on pc or on phone then
Sanghya_Sagar2007/07/30 20:32 -bravo- superb dhruv! Before i was really wondering if i could do that or not. Now it is possible. I will sure try it. And wanted to say helloo lol. Its been long time seeing you haha