what is the most stupid game for you!? by dontTRUSTme 2007/06/21 06:10
Just like mario.

Elow 2009/02/07 20:13
pierate of caribien on mobile -stupid-
Loveknp 2009/02/10 10:08
RTS games are very stupid..
Roysty 2009/02/13 08:08
Pimp my ride it sucks
pudge 2009/03/30 13:05
vinodapd 2010/06/04 15:32
max payne 2
Saint 2010/06/06 00:39
Fun, but stupid and incredibly frustrating a lot of the time. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising.
vinodapd 2010/06/11 14:50
max payne2 too stupid
U-know-me 2010/06/13 07:10
U know very well pool 1
GrUnGePrInCeSs 2010/06/13 17:18
Tetris ofcourz
Sureboy 2010/06/27 15:10
Sky war
Danjay_4 2010/06/27 18:52
Pac man
Pag 2010/06/27 19:40
The game I hate is called sukodu
GhAyAl 2010/06/30 07:15
brickz .
Francis-frank 2010/07/01 14:25
tetris is the game i hate most.
j-culture 2010/07/03 16:51
Good 2010/07/03 18:17
Lord of ring
Dejhino 2010/07/05 03:57
Dragon and dracula
king05 2010/07/06 22:13
FIFA 2010
Luikang 2010/07/10 21:37
Luikang 2010/07/11 17:12
Replies: 129

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