Wht type of games u like play mostly? by aina_NgOk 2007/04/26 02:52

Darkseeker92 2008/07/12 03:45
G0d 0f war...
triplee 2008/07/12 18:45
4 me soccer nd arcade r d best
MYA 2008/07/14 01:36
Bubble, snakes, n many2 more..
Jei 2008/07/15 15:34
I like playing cAbAl-an oNline c0mp games.
Timun 2008/07/15 17:30
I like a gamez king of fighter
PUNKYFISH 2008/07/15 23:33
Shooting games and guitar hero 3 too lol
_Rondo_ 2008/07/17 09:09
Action and Arcade..
Joey 2008/07/18 04:59
M kombat
Blacknite 2008/10/14 01:50
Fighting, arcade n adventure
SuperY 2008/10/15 10:56
I like ''almost'' all tipes of games
Dotmanfiki 2008/10/16 23:07
I prefer soccer
Sexybone 2008/10/17 08:08
I love adventurous games:god of war,prince of parcia and a whole lots of others.
Lollipop 2008/10/19 10:46
Soccer n adventure
CLydE_69 2008/10/19 12:48
CLydE_69 2008/10/19 12:50
Mraming pa aq gs2 na games ehe..
lanky 2008/10/20 08:27
I luv anything adventure
Anieta 2008/10/20 17:47
I dnt lyk game.hehe
Ibrochemical 2008/10/21 22:29
varin007 2008/10/22 17:12
resident evil 4 type.
TerrY-G 2008/10/23 02:05
Adventure game man

Replies: 254

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