Wht type of games u like play mostly? by aina_NgOk 2007/04/26 02:52

AfterMath 2007/05/19 17:25
War games on pc & soccer games on playstation & liberty city(street adventure games wit NYCity's thrilers or gangsta life games)games on psp
U-F-O 2007/05/20 06:08
mostly fighting games. ... /smiley
-ame-no-yuki- 2007/05/20 06:16
Rpg the best! :p
Geodude 2007/05/20 16:01
Mostly sports nd rpg.
-ame-no-yuki- 2007/05/21 10:10
And 4 now i hav to finish the fighting game 'guilty gear xx' in story mode. .Such a hard gameplay than kof series~ ||l-_~
Natakuno 2007/05/21 12:12
Rpg & 0nline game, especialy gunz online,, pokem0n also good.
Natakuno 2007/05/21 12:12
Rpg & 0nline game, especialy gunz online,, pokem0n also good.
djshiran 2007/05/25 11:41
I like mission games
Sammii 2007/05/26 11:00
Football manager games, fightin games, football games
mulet1 2007/05/26 21:59
Goldberg 2007/05/27 07:53
-ame-no-yuki- 2007/05/27 17:30
Huh? I had talk about it long time ago hehe but my latest favourite game genres is racing and rpg /smiley
jejem 2007/05/27 17:41
i play rpg/strategy games..
Bravo 2007/05/31 18:15
Snow,skateboarding games
UNdEr18 2007/06/01 06:56
RacInG cAR!!
Ranji 2007/06/02 05:12
I like to play fifa07
Devil-land 2007/06/03 08:49
Racing and first person shooter and fighting
DarK_PRINCE 2007/06/05 09:16
Rpg, hardcore action, life simulation, advent
jonny-walking 2007/07/13 20:42
mostly itz mission gamez with cars and sports
Fyah17 2007/07/14 02:47
Sports, car racing and any hand that u can use a gun
Replies: 254

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