Tekken vs Street fighter by Hurt 2007/03/22 02:22
Do u like Tekken or Street fighter da most?

Mr_niceguy 2007/05/10 17:58
Zetineb 2007/05/11 12:42
Mortal Kombat rules!
RenRen 2007/05/12 14:33
TekKen s best buT StreEt fiGHter s realLy an adDicted game.
RedStar 2007/05/13 02:41
Chip_Hazard 2007/05/13 03:00
i haven't played them
Tornado2021 2007/05/14 15:16
Natakuno 2007/05/21 12:39
Teken good, but marvel capcom beter
Natakuno 2007/05/21 12:40
Teken good, but marvel capcom beter
-ame-no-yuki- 2007/05/21 12:44
Snk's product are the best than both oe 'em
Sammii 2007/05/26 11:01
DeathBurN 2007/05/26 17:08
the most i lyk it is takken. ..
Bravo 2007/05/31 18:13
UNdEr18 2007/06/01 06:53
Devil-land 2007/06/03 08:43
DarK_PRINCE 2007/06/05 09:12
Tekken maybe !
jonny-walking 2007/07/15 08:38
Tekken iz da best... even dose japanies chix ar hot!!!!
Baddogz 2007/07/25 17:17
I' like both
Baddogz 2007/07/25 17:18
I prefer street fighter!
DragonOfTheStars 2007/07/25 18:59
Los dos juegos estn buenos pero no se podra comprarar porque uno es en 3D y el otro no
Psycho_Roc 2007/07/25 21:24
Tekken is to slow me and I will go for street fighter!!!

Replies: 145

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