hw do u handle ure emotions when.... by Gabi 2007/01/28 15:38
u cant talk bout it? do u listen to music, cry, write bout it?..... plz share ure way with us

Kanchan 2011/01/15 04:59
sometimes i /smiley
CorbettRaven 2011/01/15 19:40
All of the above.. I cry, I will write about it and will listen to musics too..,
Bekky 2011/01/19 08:53
Music....i love it.
Squirrel 2011/01/21 02:12
Music will soothe the savage beast... Controling my breathing helps too... And drawing or painting.its good for the soul.
xXxTrEmIsT 2011/01/22 17:57
I write and create art.
Undiscover 2011/01/23 18:34
I listen 2 rock music in ful volume !!
Nancy 2011/01/23 20:40
SILAN 2011/01/29 14:21
Cry and thought about

FLIZGERRAD 2011/01/30 22:57
its so secretary
FLIZGERRAD 2011/01/30 22:57
FLIZGERRAD 2011/02/05 08:04
i hand it so soft
Manal 2011/07/26 02:49
Just chat or go somewher
P.girl 2011/09/02 14:38
I cry, talk, write and pray about it
BraveS_HearT 2011/09/27 07:25
Only By crying ...
____THe.bosS 2011/09/30 18:29
I stop talk with every one and talk with my self in the mirror
Nesquik 2011/11/07 21:59
I write about it and then burn all the papers i wrote on
Manal 2012/10/15 07:15
who cares..i just eat and sleep lol
detrimentum 2014/10/15 10:30
Uhm, I talk about it. I don't really keep emotions bottled up.
Saiyah 2014/11/04 12:50
listening music while crying
-LILY- 2014/11/07 17:06
always crying.. /smiley
Replies: 81

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