ARCHIVE: my games collection(alesis) by TinHeart 2007/01/26 16:52
here are some of the best games i have on my s60(in the upload limit)!download and enjoy!-salut-

TinHeart 2007/07/12 04:10
Yes bro,nice classic game...Say...Better check out the coogee files.I talked with some guys and they uploaded Requiem Of Hell,Xanadu Next,Collin Mcrae(needs colourfix)and other massive Ngage games!/smiley
redbLue 2007/07/12 05:59
symbians 2007/07/13 15:18
i always want to upload soMethIng here buT my opera 6.3 dosnt alLow it. When i acesS the forum's topic the topics is visible. PoOrly i cAn upload via netfroNt buT netfroNt oNly alLoweD me to upload pictUre. (sad)
symbians 2007/07/13 18:52
Sorry bro, itz a mistake. Not 6.3, but 6.2. Alrite i w'l try 8.65 later. I am stick to 6.2 coz diz opera supported proxy change. Manual proxy change iz imprtant 4 free access in ma country. Im a lil bit confusing why when i use opera 6.2 i am unable to acess any forum topic and download site. Thiz prob happen when i am xplore only.
Nautica 2007/07/13 23:20
thank you for the games! its my fave topic here /smiley
Princ3 2007/07/13 23:43
prince 0f Persia - S.O.T.
Rocky 2007/07/14 05:15
Thnx guyz for sharing
-ReNZX- 2007/07/14 07:56
Symbn. .Why u ddnt try use netfront...Emmm
symbians 2007/07/14 10:04
yes,i am able 2 use n access diz wap tru netfront. But i cant upload any games tru n.front .. If i browse diz wap tru opera,4 exmple to go 2 da forum topic. Itz only display da page without any topic.. Same wit d.lod site. I dun no y diz happened
symbians 2007/07/14 10:28
ok thnX all. I think now i had found the solutions how to upload any file even can't explore da topic forum. Sorry to upload old clasic game coz i jaz wanna test it. But itz a nice java game 4 our child /smiley
Kumz 2007/07/16 10:17
The game blackhawk down is awesome!unfortunately i cant upload.if someone could,i'm sure you guys will love it!
GameNeo 2007/07/16 13:20
I agree wid dat 1. Dat game's kwl
-ReNZX- 2007/07/16 14:07
Yes..Yes Eeprom i dun kno tht..Hehehehe
Princ3 2007/07/19 03:06
x fedder /smiley when u get bored this game/smiley
-ReNZX- 2007/07/19 08:34
Wow nice bro../smiley
Kookies_N_Kreams 2007/07/19 13:21
Cud ne1 plz upload a Windows Media Player ICON 4 SMARTMOVIE, its urgently needed! /smiley
Kookies_N_Kreams 2007/07/23 06:45
Eeprom bro, i'v dwnloaded Moto Racer Game. Bt its askin 4 th regstration code.. /smiley ne solution? N cud u plz upload sm nyc racing games! /smiley
Princ3 2007/07/25 03:33
Virtual PooL MOBILE /smiley register with any key
Princ3 2007/07/29 16:45
damn guys /smiley i just infected my MMC with a crazy virus block's my access into the phone menu and i lost all my data /smiley i am now using my old 64MB MMC /smiley it seems i will take a breake /smiley
allexclusive 2007/07/29 16:46
good fellas jar game
Replies: 214

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