Counter Strike or Half Life? by TinHeart 2006/11/21 08:53
What do you think?What's best:Counter StrikeorHalf Life?Post your comments here...-gun-

Fire_Blazer 2008/05/10 07:17
counter strike?
jhay06 2008/05/15 16:54
warrock! Hehe
TinHeart 2008/05/25 18:54
word is hl 3 will appear on market till the end of the year!
halena 2008/05/26 01:06
counter strike..
Akiko25 2008/05/26 14:12
I've thnk its better to play c0unter strike than half lyf. Like ggclient../smiley
Akiko25 2008/05/26 14:16
What u think guys?
GoThiC-GhOsT 2008/10/14 23:28
Counter Strike.,/smiley
Syadira 2008/12/26 23:24
Counter strike s da best /smiley
MosT_wAnTeD92 2008/12/31 05:23
Half life of cource , ,
dhandy14 2009/01/03 07:16
its ah nice GAME /smiley
Samit 2009/01/07 17:48
No idea
Farmer 2009/01/09 20:15
I dig the half life engine so any game based on that gets my vote./smiley
clet0153 2009/01/09 20:52
counter strike coz u can play it online with garena
TinHeart 2009/01/11 03:08
be on web is that a new version of COUNTER STRIKE will be released untill summer!
Seether 2009/01/11 12:59
kuramax 2009/01/17 17:12
counter strike..
Adinata1982 2009/02/02 11:38
I want Cstrk.Do v have link 4 download counter strk[s60v2].Share right here please
Shush14 2009/02/05 07:47
half life is much better than counter strike.
Frost_Ogre 2009/02/07 18:06
Half life!!!
Loveknp 2009/02/10 10:15
Half life is best
Replies: 174

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