Counter Strike or Half Life? by TinHeart 2006/11/21 08:53
What do you think?What's best:Counter StrikeorHalf Life?Post your comments here...-gun-

sastrawardo 2007/03/29 08:18
Mana2 ja..
Vi10x 2007/03/29 15:52
NaM8 2007/03/29 19:07
Counter strike! Kpow!! Head shot! Hehe..
Goldberg 2007/04/15 18:12
I think half life
Goldberg 2007/04/15 18:14
I think half life
xellos 2007/04/16 12:41
Half life good in stories,C.S best in multiplayer
jumper 2007/04/16 19:49
counter strike
AsH_ruFf90 2007/04/17 15:33
Yeah-peace-ranking counter-gun- strike,bt this gaMe 2 oLd..BoRed MAaA!!./smiley
Araf90 2007/04/22 17:35
Counter strike..
NeoNeox 2007/04/23 05:09
Counter Strike.
F3RNANDO 2007/04/23 07:52
Counter strike
BaBy_kaRteL94 2007/04/23 07:59
cancer 2007/04/23 16:25
Counter strike
Vikrm 2007/04/24 05:45
Its my fav game
starbuc 2007/04/27 12:46
counter strike
-tristan- 2007/04/27 20:04
Counterstrike! Gud enjin
Flowers-man 2007/05/03 16:48
Half life
Urahara 2007/05/04 13:25
Counter strike
TinHeart 2007/05/05 03:35
Until now...Counter Strike is dominating!
F3RNANDO 2007/05/09 04:14
Counter strike
Replies: 174

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