Favourite movie made game-fav game made a movie! by GoodGuy 2006/10/24 10:36
First-lord of the rings Second-resident evil

miguel_arango 2008/01/15 13:44
Xyz 2008/01/15 16:41
Resident Evil .
PsYcHo 2008/01/16 05:06
Mortal koMbat
romeo32 2008/01/19 21:29
first ~lord of the rings
st-whatsername 2008/01/20 06:47
silent hill. resident evil, star wars, mortal kombat, harry potters fun. th movies make me angry /smiley
nayrdame 2008/01/24 05:01
ShAhZaDa 2008/01/26 07:35
diego55 2008/01/26 22:34
resident evil and counter stike 1.6
IceQueen 2008/01/31 10:52
Resident Evil and Transformers.
XABARAI_RENJIX 2008/01/31 16:44
dragonball budokai 3
GoThiC-GhOsT 2008/01/31 22:01
Ruhh hour & soccer.
Mystique 2008/02/01 17:50
Tomb raider and resident evil were brilliant in both game and movie
KuROsAki 2008/02/03 14:34
shrek is best games 2.movie 2 games.
Lagenda 2008/02/03 23:43
I like game Wining Eleven
Ladiesman 2008/02/04 21:11
Lord of the rings
Ladiesman 2008/02/04 21:12
Shrek is funny
Layola 2008/02/05 01:29
Resident evil is 1st.
Wolfman 2008/05/23 11:11
Gota be doom.
Nemesis 2008/05/24 11:31
I'll go with final fantasy. But its game 1st before movie
LostProphet 2008/05/24 12:10
Replies: 72

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