Happy Bday to @Don@ by krack 2019/10/02 00:33
-hello- 2 wapworldiezz ...Today is the birthday of One of our beloved bro @Don@ . So Please Wish him a Very Happy Birthday :)

Thank You

krack 2019/10/02 00:35
.birthday. To You emo1641# my bro .mwah. Enjoy Your Day in /smiley haha /smiley .God bless You Tc emo368#
krack 2019/10/02 01:12
Don is giving emo100# today to All /smiley
saahir 2019/10/02 04:37
/smiley brother.rose.
_SonIcGirL_ 2019/10/02 04:46
Happy Birthday
krack 2019/10/02 04:58
Quote: _SonIcGirL_: Happy Birthday
/smiley Don will Gift Saari to All females on his Birthday .hehe.

_SonIcGirL_ 2019/10/02 07:07
Quote: krack: /smiley Don will Gift Saari to All females on his Birthday .hehe.
he is kanjush /smiley

krack 2019/10/02 07:30
Quote: _SonIcGirL_: he is kanjush /smiley
How u Know ? /smiley

_SonIcGirL_ 2019/10/02 08:44
Quote: krack: How u Know ? /smiley
shhhhhhj it's /smiley

krack 2019/10/02 08:44
Quote: _SonIcGirL_: shhhhhhj it's /smiley
Omg emo1438#

saahir 2019/10/02 09:06
Quote: krack: /smiley Don will Gift Saari to All females on his Birthday .hehe.


krack 2019/10/02 09:30
Quote: saahir:
Humko kuch nahi milna /smiley

@Don@ 2019/10/02 14:19
Thank you every one
@Don@ 2019/10/02 14:20
Quote: _SonIcGirL_: he is kanjush /smiley
send me ur address i ll send u..bee.

_SonIcGirL_ 2019/10/02 17:32
Quote: @Don@: send me ur address i ll send u..bee.
okay I will.clap.

jaQui 2019/10/02 19:48
Happy Birthday
krack 2019/10/02 23:45
Quote: @Don@: send me ur address i ll send u..bee.
What about others /smiley

@Don@ 2019/10/03 09:25
Quote: _SonIcGirL_: okay I will.clap.
send to my mail

@Don@ 2019/10/03 09:26
Quote: krack: What about others /smiley
i ll send u underwear.🤣🤣🤣🤣

@Don@ 2019/10/03 09:26
thank you
krack 2019/10/03 11:53
Quote: @Don@: i ll send u underwear.🤣🤣🤣🤣
How many? (lol)

Replies: 24

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