Leave Me Not Alone..! by saahir 2019/03/05 13:54
Alone without you 
hanging and
like pendulum 
here and there 
no place to settle down 
come back please, 
please come back.. 
Hug me.. 
Hug me tight.. 
Stay with me 
till my last breath.. 

Maryam 2019/03/27 14:05
Quote: saahir:
Add, and don't subtract anyone but add n add more and more and much more to make a long train to continue our endless journey of love and friendship.
haha really Saahir OK keep adding my pleasure

saahir 2019/03/28 07:08
Quote: Maryam: haha really Saahir OK keep adding my pleasure

I tried to add but it was spelled wrong, so add became dad .lol.

Maryam 2019/03/28 16:50
Quote: saahir:
I tried to add but it was spelled wrong, so add became dad .lol.
no prblm shiroz will undstnd .lol.

saahir 2019/03/28 16:51
Quote: Maryam: no prblm shiroz will undstnd .lol.

And Maryam /smiley

Maryam 2019/03/28 16:53
Quote: saahir:
And Maryam /smiley
mary only undstands lion and not dad 😂

Milisha 2019/04/08 10:40
Maryam 2019/04/08 14:39
Quote: Milisha: Beautiful
*welcome* Milisha dear

Replies: 27

#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.