9thElement: I think it's debatable whether letting pedophiles mess with artificial creations made to resemble children will prevent them from progressing to harming real kids. Maybe for some it will, and for some it won't.
To me it's beside the point, as some things in life are sacred and children are one of them. I don't want to live in a society where it's okay to act out such violations even if it's only on an inanimate object, sort of how someone religious wouldn't want to see a statue of their God desecrated, except children are more important still as we all know they are real.
I don't think it's helpful to compare pedophile role-play using objects with the perversions of consenting adults who want to do rape fake-out etc. Perhaps more of a comparison can be made with men who want to rape for real, but even then those who want to do the same to children are one level of abhorrence above other rapists
But the moment you say children are "sacred" and let's not even talk about this is where the problem begins. Children are not sacred at all. To you personally maybe, but actually not. If you say children are dumb and we oughta protect them, that i agree with. And i was actually just suggesting a way of protecting them through the use of future technology, even though i personally despise children. But apparently some of you would rather leave them to the mercy of good old prayer n shxt. We all know how well that works out for them. If your prayers were so effective, why are there even paedophiles in the first place. What's so sacred about them anyway, they're dumb little humans. Stop making kids so special. We gotta look out for them coz they're too young to do that for themselves, but nothing about them is fecking sacred.