Male & Female Sex Doll For Use... by Ajibola 2018/01/24 07:21
Its everywhere on internet, shops & local stores of male & female sex doll for human use to replace masturbation, cheat in relationships, self satisfaction et al...

Is this innovation more harm than good?

Shien 2018/05/24 08:00
Quote: outlaw: Banging fake kid dolls isn't pedophilia. It's make-believe pedophilia where no one get's hurt. No different than make-believe rape roleplay sex. Fake rape isn't just a fantasy for some people. Some people can't get off without it. It's a need.

If we want to use a drugs analogy, e-cigs come close. Make-believe smoking without the cancer.

What I'm suggesting is exactly that, fulfilling a fantasy or an urge without hurting anybody. It's like playing GTA. You can fulfill your fantasy of running over prostitutes and killing people with chainsaws but it's not real people. No harm done.

Why wouldn't it be pedophilia? Do you think pedophilia is the crime and not the abnormal urge that informs it or a lifestyle that would feed into those urges?

Nothing happens in isolation, least of all any of the various weird, wonderful and at times twisted things that float around in the human mind.

Shien 2018/05/25 03:09
The difference is less repression versus indulgence and more treatment versus non-treatment. Pedophiles sleeping with child surrogates runs counter to psychiatric treatment, its a one or the other deal.

You've likely made it onto several watch lists already. Playing devils advocate is well and good, the topic you chose to do it on however ... not the best choice. Being a hot button issue and all that.

U_kano 2018/05/30 12:09
Yes its true in life
David.adams 2018/06/01 16:00
Those who need will buy bt not me...
NinthElement 2018/06/01 15:43
Quote: outlaw: I admit i'm starting to sound very sympathetic of the pedophile cause, but if anyone takes the time to pay attention to my posts, they will realize what I'm actually suggesting is the most likely to be effective solution to protecting children from pedophiles, with the help of future technology.

i'm saying let pedophiles feck fake children dolls made out of silicon which are very realistic and look and feel exactly like real children, so they no longer feel the urge to abuse real children. How is that a controversial thing to say? Maybe my mind is very fecked up, but to me personally this sounds like a perfectly normal and sensible thing to say.
I think it's debatable whether letting pedophiles mess with artificial creations made to resemble children will prevent them from progressing to harming real kids. Maybe for some it will, and for some it won't.

To me it's beside the point, as some things in life are sacred and children are one of them. I don't want to live in a society where it's okay to act out such violations even if it's only on an inanimate object, sort of how someone religious wouldn't want to see a statue of their God desecrated, except children are more important still as we all know they are real.

I don't think it's helpful to compare pedophile role-play using objects with the perversions of consenting adults who want to do rape fake-out etc. Perhaps more of a comparison can be made with men who want to rape for real, but even then those who want to do the same to children are one level of abhorrence above other rapists

Shien 2018/06/05 08:09
Quote: outlaw: I admit i'm starting to sound very sympathetic of the pedophile cause, but if anyone takes the time to pay attention to my posts, they will realize what I'm actually suggesting is the most likely to be effective solution to protecting children from pedophiles, with the help of future technology.

i'm saying let pedophiles feck fake children dolls made out of silicon which are very realistic and look and feel exactly like real children, so they no longer feel the urge to abuse real children. How is that a controversial thing to say? Maybe my mind is very fecked up, but to me personally this sounds like a perfectly normal and sensible thing to say.

I'm plenty open-minded, too open-minded depending on who you ask, but everyone has a point where they draw a line and say "here and no further". Pedophilia and anything that enables or facilitates it is on the opposite side of that line for me. way Way WAY on the other side.

Besides you don't really care for pedophiles any more than I do, surely not enough to press the argument any further devils advocate or no. So what say you we agree to disagree and rather argue on something you actually care about at some point in the future?

@Don@ 2018/06/10 09:21
i agreed with you../smiley
Rebellion 2019/04/04 09:05
It's advanced masturbation I think
zugzwang 2019/04/27 08:01
Quote: saahir: All other relationships for sex to get couple with, except what The Allmighty God has shown are not good at all. TheGod has declared them HARAAM (unlawful).

zugzwang 2019/04/27 12:14
Quote: Ajibola: Its everywhere on internet, shops & local stores of male & female sex doll for human use to replace masturbation, cheat in relationships, self satisfaction et al...

Is this innovation more harm than good?
if this costem continues , future generationa ll hv no private parts. he he.

zugzwang 2019/05/04 03:32
Quote: jaQui: This is NOT real sex. How can u get satisfaction ?
Its all in the mind.
may be, real sex is satisfactory.

zugzwang 2019/05/05 11:40
Quote: jaQui: This is NOT real sex. How can u get satisfaction ?
Its all in the mind.
he he fanti

jaQui 2019/05/05 21:52
Quote: zugzwang: may be, real sex is satisfactory.

Exactly !!!!

outlaw 2019/07/10 20:46
Quote: 9thElement: I think it's debatable whether letting pedophiles mess with artificial creations made to resemble children will prevent them from progressing to harming real kids. Maybe for some it will, and for some it won't.

To me it's beside the point, as some things in life are sacred and children are one of them. I don't want to live in a society where it's okay to act out such violations even if it's only on an inanimate object, sort of how someone religious wouldn't want to see a statue of their God desecrated, except children are more important still as we all know they are real.

I don't think it's helpful to compare pedophile role-play using objects with the perversions of consenting adults who want to do rape fake-out etc. Perhaps more of a comparison can be made with men who want to rape for real, but even then those who want to do the same to children are one level of abhorrence above other rapists
This is a typical emotional response to a very real problem that the world is going to have to deal with some time soon.
My whole argument was based on the assumption that pedophilia isn't a kink, but just another sexuality just like homo, hetero and bi. A fecked up gift from nature or what you guys call god.
I made an argument that if the above is true, the best way forward for us is through modern technology. I also said none of the above is possible in the near future, so I'm not suggesting something radical here. I'm proposing an idea of setting up some kinda system where we can minimize the harm to real children.

outlaw 2019/07/10 20:56
Quote: 9thElement: I think it's debatable whether letting pedophiles mess with artificial creations made to resemble children will prevent them from progressing to harming real kids. Maybe for some it will, and for some it won't.

To me it's beside the point, as some things in life are sacred and children are one of them. I don't want to live in a society where it's okay to act out such violations even if it's only on an inanimate object, sort of how someone religious wouldn't want to see a statue of their God desecrated, except children are more important still as we all know they are real.

I don't think it's helpful to compare pedophile role-play using objects with the perversions of consenting adults who want to do rape fake-out etc. Perhaps more of a comparison can be made with men who want to rape for real, but even then those who want to do the same to children are one level of abhorrence above other rapists
But the moment you say children are "sacred" and let's not even talk about this is where the problem begins. Children are not sacred at all. To you personally maybe, but actually not. If you say children are dumb and we oughta protect them, that i agree with. And i was actually just suggesting a way of protecting them through the use of future technology, even though i personally despise children. But apparently some of you would rather leave them to the mercy of good old prayer n shxt. We all know how well that works out for them. If your prayers were so effective, why are there even paedophiles in the first place. What's so sacred about them anyway, they're dumb little humans. Stop making kids so special. We gotta look out for them coz they're too young to do that for themselves, but nothing about them is fecking sacred.

Tweetums 2019/07/11 15:15
This type of product should most definitely be banned. Anyone who would purchase such an item obviously has intent and interest in something illegal.
outlaw 2019/07/13 19:24
Quote: Tweetums: This type of product should most definitely be banned. Anyone who would purchase such an item obviously has intent and interest in something illegal.
"something illegal" like what? sex with an inanimate object? where in the world is something like that illegal?

outlaw 2019/07/13 19:34
Quote: 9thElement:
I don't think it's helpful to compare pedophile role-play using objects with the perversions of consenting adults who want to do rape fake-out etc.
If we agree that adults carrying out rape roleplay isn't likely to increase real rape numbers, the comparison is valid. Apply the same logic to an adult paedo or have the same reservations about rape roleplay. The focus of this comparison is the question of whether sexual roleplay influences real behavior.

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