Male & Female Sex Doll For Use... by Ajibola 2018/01/24 07:21
Its everywhere on internet, shops & local stores of male & female sex doll for human use to replace masturbation, cheat in relationships, self satisfaction et al...

Is this innovation more harm than good?

ashwani810 2018/04/18 20:20
saahir 2018/01/24 07:44
All other relationships for sex to get couple with, except what The Allmighty God has shown are not good at all. TheGod has declared them HARAAM (unlawful).
Maryam 2018/01/24 07:56
I agree with you saahir it's Unlawful in all religions
Phronesis 2018/01/24 12:01
It makes it sound like sex is like food, like its a 3 times a day thing that you cant live without. Its Unlawful.
KingFISHER 2018/02/01 08:10
sex is human instinct and its related between male&female so any types of artificial way to having sex is unlawful.
sibudas11 2018/02/02 14:31
Its good
jaQui 2018/02/02 15:19
This is NOT real sex. How can u get satisfaction ?
Its all in the mind.

Daisy55 2018/02/02 17:10
Lelsi 2018/02/03 12:57
I don't judge anyone but I believe whoever would use dolls for satisfaction has some serious issues. I mean , what you've mentioned to prevent cheating in relationship imagine how one would feel when they hear the partner cheated them on with a doll.What would be excuse for that?
Sarcastic 2018/02/10 06:09
Quote: Ajibola: Its everywhere on internet, shops & local stores of male & female sex doll for human use to replace masturbation, cheat in relationships, self satisfaction et al...

Is this innovation more harm than good?
Two words for him "Mentally Retard"

Idiot 2018/02/14 17:51
Well...... ^o^ who can resist Hatsune

Only *1,599 /smiley 165cm, real silicone

Ajibola 2018/03/12 19:10
Quote: outlaw: This is the only interesting and thought-provoking topic on the front page of General Info.

Thanks for ur thought & remark

Ajibola 2018/03/12 19:14
Quote: Lelsi: I don't judge anyone but I believe whoever would use dolls for satisfaction has some serious issues. I mean , what you've mentioned to prevent cheating in relationship imagine how one
would feel when they hear the partner cheated them on with a doll.What would be excuse for that?

Lols I guess u finding the topic very disguisting and this is what many across the globe embraces

dipeeka 2018/03/13 02:24
Its just ridiculous, mind sickness, nothing more than that. ....
TheMouse 2018/03/13 12:53
I’m sure it means neither harm nor good as such. If some people make use of it in the sense that it is useful to them, no harm done. They are aware that a silicon doll doesn’t replace a human being. In some countries in Africa and Asia real women are as disposable as a rubber doll, and that’s something we should worry about, not about sex dolls.
Shien 2018/03/24 04:08
Quote: TheMouse: I’m sure it means neither harm nor good as such. If some people make use of it in the sense that it is useful to them, no harm done. They are aware that a silicon doll doesn’t replace a human being. In some countries in Africa and Asia real women are as disposable as a rubber doll, and that’s something we should worry about, not about sex dolls.

While I agree with most of what you say, I hardly think any country, let alone countries limited to two continents have a monopoly on the mistreatment or abuse of women. But I digress ...

On topic: C'est la vie, people will always do as they wish when it comes to sexuality, censor them and they'll only do it more discretely, so I don't see much point provided its safe, sane and consensual I think the individual adult should be allowed to decide for themselves without undue interference.

My sole concern is the height and apparent age of certain dolls, I feel this is something that can and should be regulated. I may be indifferent to the use of adult dolls by those who wish to, but there are also child-like and child dolls and that I am far from okay with.

Shien 2018/04/06 16:12
Quote: outlaw: I've heard it said that pedophilia is a natural inborn tendency. Just like a sexual orientation. Of course, that makes it far from okay to practice. But in theory, if there was a way to assure you 100% that this is indeed what is happening, wouldn't you rather pedophiles abuse plastic children than real children? Would you be morally okay with that compromise, if it discouraged sexual abuse of real young kids? I'm not talking about the near future. It's a thorny issue at the moment.

I'd hardly call it natural and certainly not a sexual orientation. The fight for recognition, equal rights and treatment for the LGBT community has been (and continues to be)long and hard fought, as I see it pedophiles merely wish to ride those coattails and normalize their proclivities by drawing comparisons where there are none.

The idea that pedophilia is in someway an orientation stems in large part from a mistype in a printed discussion in the DSM-5 released by the American Psychiatric Association (hence forth referred to as the APA). The APA thereafter released a statement correcting the mistake saying, " 'Sexual orientation' is not a term used in the diagnostic criteria for pedophilic disorder and its use in the DSM-5 text discussion is an error and should read 'sexual interest.' In fact, APA considers pedophilic disorder a 'paraphilia,' not a 'sexual orientation.' This error will be corrected in the electronic version of DSM-5 and the next printing of the manual."

As such, feeding these abnormal urges in any way, increases the chance of child abuse, it does not decrease them.

Male1974 2018/04/17 05:07
Well,i can say that a sex doll is'nt for me but i don't judge other people for using them.
Shien 2018/04/22 15:17
Quote: outlaw: Seriously though, forget i used the term "orientation". Because maybe even heterosexuality isn't innate, for all we know. I was just wondering whether one begins to find kids more attractive than grown ups the same way we figure out our own sexualities, i.e. from a very young age. If that's the case, man, I think pedophilia is fecking tragic for both the victim and the abuser. More so for the victim, but spare a thought for the guys who never act upon this unnatural urge.

Forgotten ... As for whether heterosexuality is innate or not, well everyone has their own opinions on that, no way to prove it one way or the other. Technically pedophilia can only be diagnosed from 19 years old and above. Its there before but from a medical point of view it can only be diagnosed from 19 years and older.

There are those who do not act, some even seek help volunteer to be chemically castrated. While I wouldn't go so far as to say I sympathize, I do think they are a step above those who would act on said urge. That is supposedly what separates us from animals after all, the ability to act against or in spite of our instincts.

Shien 2018/05/15 09:28
Quote: outlaw: I'm not sure i agree with this part btw. I think feeding any kind of sexual urge in a safe legal way is the healthier way to keep it in check. Repressing said feeling is what leads to crime i think.

If repression was such a good idea, you'd think that all those countries with all those laws based around sexual repression (females must be fully clothed and such) would be rape-free safe havens for women. But we know it's actually the other way around.

Now rape is also a despicable crime. Yet so many adults have sexual urges centered around rape, and a lot of them feed these urges through consensual non-consent roleplay and shxt like that. We don't ask them to stop feeding those abnormal urges, do we?

Which I would agree with save for the "abnormal" bit that comes before urges. Normal means many things to many people but pedophilia is outside the realms of what is normal for most of society across cultural, religious and national boundries.

Comparing it to what is normal is like comparing apples and oranges, they're both edible fruits but beyond that point comparisons only serve to highlight just how different they are.

Abnormal urges are compulsive, you wouldn't advocate a cocaine addict cutting and snorting sherbet as part of his rehabilitation would you? No, because the most effective way to stop is to break from anything that contributes to that habit and feeds said compulsive urge.

Fantasies are just that, fantasies. They have little basis in reality. People may flirt with the idea of non-consensual themes in play but as with all things, reality and fantasy are worlds apart and they would not argue otherwise. Which is why they incorporate those themes into play but do not for instance place themselves in a situation where they can actually be raped or rape someone.

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