Worrying by Milisha 2017/10/26 19:46
Worrying is a waste of time. It's does'nt change anything .it's messes with your mind and stoals your happiness...

still.loving 2017/10/26 19:49
True worrying doest give u anything or something back to u
heartkiller 2017/10/26 19:52
Don't worry and be happy LoL
Milisha 2017/10/26 20:01
You know me always happy that's why I'm sharing some with you /smiley
heartkiller 2017/10/26 20:19
Thanks for sharing your happiness with me.you are such a sweetheart.
_SUPERBRAT_ 2017/10/26 20:26
Dont worry, be happy always.
Lelsi 2017/10/26 23:49
Easier said than done, deep inside we all worry about something, it means you care and something is important to you.
Thapasya 2017/10/27 00:29
Mili.my love, worrying is a part of life, if u want to stop worrying u should be becomes a spiritual preceptor...... from Ur Thapasya....
JUNAID 2017/10/28 23:24
Sarcastic 2017/10/29 05:19
Worrying reduces the beauty of life.. But every human is scared and worried about something in his life as lelsi and suni said..
jiayaq 2017/11/01 11:40
Just be happy and dnt worry haha
tRuEbLuE 2017/11/25 15:53
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6)
This is what the bible says about worrying

swtnnice 2017/12/21 09:11
so dont worry, be happy
amitverma 2017/12/21 16:51
All have worries in different forms. .some how all worries
farooqpatel 2018/02/13 10:06
Sushivas 2019/08/14 10:02
I am not agree with you Milisha, I am worrying therefore they are remember me dear and I am always worry for them till my last breath dear... and I am not selfie therefore I worry rather than me to Others most /smiley
saahir 2019/08/14 13:03
Quote: Lelsi: Easier said than done, deep inside we all worry about something, it means you care and something is important to you.


zugzwang 2019/08/14 13:41
wel said
amitverma 2019/08/14 13:42
Quote: Milisha: Worrying is a waste of time. It's does'nt change anything .it's messes with your mind and stoals your happiness...

Easy to say..but situation makes us worried ....

amitverma 2019/08/14 13:51
Quote: Milisha: Worrying is a waste of time. It's does'nt change anything .it's messes with your mind and stoals your happiness...

Yes true..but l get worried when you are missing from here for long long time Milisha my sweetheart (hug)

Lelsi 2020/09/05 23:01
Come on, it's impossible not to worry it means you don't care and if you don't care, you you're emotionless and it means you're basically a robot, incapable to feel. Worrying is ok as long as it don't turn into overreacting over nothing
Replies: 21

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