Mr. 2Wap by jaQui 2017/03/31 17:05
post here to take part.
Rules will be added by
Must have 100 forum post

Mis. 2WapWorld

Mr. 2WapWorld

saahir 2017/04/06 08:04

Mister who missed -hahaha-

Sarcastic 2017/04/06 11:40
Quote: haris: Do u mean for mr and miss 2wap, both? /smiley
yes.. Gender equality.. She can win both..

Sarcastic 2017/04/06 11:44
Quote: haris: Jackie i am in, and will be out if you dont guarantee a 1st prize for me.. /smiley /smiley
u will get all the votes if we have evm system.. Any button.. Booooommmm its haris..

saahir 2017/04/06 14:57
Quote: Sarcastic: yes.. Gender equality.. She can win both..

Equality emo1567#

haris 2017/04/06 16:06
Quote: Sarcastic: u will get all the votes if we have evm system.. Any button.. Booooommmm its haris..
i wish i was a karyakarta too/smiley

haris 2017/04/06 16:07
Quote: Sarcastic: yes.. Gender equality.. She can win both..
Bobby darling will soon be proud of our jackie

Sarcastic 2017/04/06 16:25
Quote: haris: Bobby darling will soon be proud of our jackie
Hope jakie doesn't mind us calling her swty babban darlingwa..

Sarcastic 2017/04/06 16:27
Anyways waiting for SRK to spoil the game with rules..
haris 2017/04/06 16:48
Quote: Sarcastic: Hope jakie doesn't mind us calling her swty babban darlingwa..
you know this topic isnt meant for freeposting and chatting/smiley

Anyway how are you and your family?

Sarcastic 2017/04/07 05:57
Quote: haris: you know this topic isnt meant for freeposting and chatting/smiley

Anyway how are you and your family?
No more freeposting.. Alhamdulillah they r good.. How about u and ur family?

haris 2017/04/07 19:06
Quote: Sarcastic: No more freeposting.. Alhamdulillah they r good.. How about u and ur family?
ok noted down. Alhamdulillah good too. Where have u been lately

THE_SPEAR_KING 2017/04/12 03:35
I am in
merly 2017/04/12 03:45
Quote: KingFISHER: i,m in

goodluck i will vote you

jaQui 2017/04/12 06:54

The topic is not for nominating or voting.
Post here if u want to take part

jaQui 2017/05/02 12:13
Pls post here if ur taking part
haris 2017/05/03 20:58
Quote: jaQuelene: pls post here if ur taking part
Have i won yet? Swty

jaQui 2017/05/03 21:31
Quote: haris: Have i won yet? Swty

Yeah u are now mr.3wap/smiley

haris 2017/05/04 06:42
Quote: jaQuelene:
Yeah u are now mr.3wap/smiley
3wap? /smiley

jaQui 2017/05/04 08:54
Quote: haris: 3wap? /smiley

Yes or 4 Wap .lol.

latrine 2017/05/10 18:54
Did appple win
Replies: 46

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