Topics vanishing at alrming rate part 2 by latrine 2017/03/23 19:09
Oh boy...i posted a topic about topics vanishing and that topic vanished !wht the hell?
Can the person who made it vanish expalin why it vanished?
NinthElement 2017/03/23 19:59
You missed the party, everyone's gone now. But anyway here you go... Topics vanishing at alrming rate
We don't like to remove topics but there are an awful lot of "meta" threads. It gets old when a site is only about discussing itself...

trakkerterrorist 2017/03/24 06:34
well. its good that site refreshed sometimes
jaQui 2017/03/24 21:18

boy oh boy my weakness!! /smiley to see a bad topic vanish!!!

HandsomeDon 2017/03/25 08:37
Quote: outlaw: I'm not asking for my posts or deleted topics to be restored. Instead, here's what i propose. You see that ☢ symbol under a post. It's called negative karma. When you don't like a post, you press it and move on. Yes, even if you are a staff member. If a post doesn't break any rules but you don't like it, you take out all your frustration on the ☢ button. You don't get to delete it. Does this sound reasonable?

Yes , Negative karama button serve same purpose equivalent to " dislike post/comments ' except abusive comment's but friend I think your post deleted in attempt with spammer's topic clearance.... Wait we soon inquiry same and inform you

EpIcInCoGnItO 2017/03/25 09:51
As far as I knew, according to the rules those concerned posts should be deleted and the topic moderated. And if the topic subject is insult then you should close it with a reason not trash it until and unless it has direct abuse in it.
Quote: RINCESS SUNl">PRINCESS SUNl: Topic discussing other members or insults should be trashed i guess.forums are not ment to discuss or gossip about other members.recently jacki n i were made clowns in this very forum.n those who do post excellent questions or post good topics r trashed by groups of abuses.the main question one should ask is it save to post without members going off topic n abusing members??????

EpIcInCoGnItO 2017/03/25 09:54
Thanks for pointing this out, I didn't know this level of hypocrisy exists here. Can you tell me the topic from which that post was deleted?

Update: I saw that topic and you are right, we have reached a disgusting level of moderation now.
Quote: outlaw: Yesterday, i posted a comment in Princess Suni's topic in the creative forum. This was the post:
I'm guessing rumors. (latrine had asked what she meant by roams in her poem). Amika here claimed to be a doctor and some people refused to believe that. I don't think it's harassment though. It's just skepticism. If a stranger claimed to be a doctor on the internet, I'd be skeptical too unless there's proof. Some poor sod might take their advice seriously and end up needing a real doctor.

Anyway, nice poem.

The post was deleted. No reason given. As you can see, it contains no personal insults or abuse. Now interestingly, one of the people who refused to believe that princess suni is a doctor was jacki. Her posts went beyond skepticism into name-calling. One of her posts calling Suni a "fakedocpoohfkface" wasn't even deleted until last week after i quoted it in a topic. The topic i quoted it in has also been deleted btw. Such dedication to burying your own abuse.

Now, "claimed to be a doctor and some people refused to believe that" vs "fakedocfkface". Which of the two would you delete?

And if all you can say to justify this mind-boggling hypocrisy is "it's all in the past", weren't 2wap rules same in the past? Have they changed in the last few months?

EpIcInCoGnItO 2017/03/25 09:55
Oh I wish you were an admin here. I so wish now.
Quote: outlaw: I'm not asking for my posts or deleted topics to be restored. Instead, here's what i propose. You see that ☢ symbol under a post. It's called negative karma. When you don't like a post, you press it and move on. Yes, even if you are a staff member. If a post doesn't break any rules but you don't like it, you take out all your frustration on the ☢ button. You don't get to delete it. Does this sound reasonable?

NinthElement 2017/03/25 19:43
I'm as sensitive about topics and posts being deleted unnecessarily as anyone. Sometimes we have to in order to avoid undue embarrassment to named or inferred individuals, though I realise it's a fine line regarding exactly how sensitive we should be in this respect and thus we can't always please everyone. If someone makes a mistake with their attitude, let's call it out at the time and deal with it then, but let's not drag up old issues as we need to give people the chance to redeem themselves. Anyway for some of the reasons above this another topic that will disappear soon.

This topic is closed.
#74 Trash Zone
A junkyard for threads to be deleted later.