A topic dedicated to dedicated topics by outlaw 2017/03/06 04:49
I was waiting for Libra to get banned. She's been disrupting the peace and boredom we've enjoyed at 2wap for a long time now with her interesting topics. She uses big words that hurt my little brain, but more importantly she takes up forum space we need for making topics about how awesome we are. Now that she is banned (thanks mods), let's get right back to it. So i'll start things off with some flattering words about our team, and the rest of you better agree with me.

So i just wanted to say we have the most hard working mods ever. Our team of 6 admins (not counting Gumslone) handles a lot of work everyday. 2wap is a busy site. Don't let the online list with 2 or 3 people fool you. Yesterday the number was as high as 4. In the last 24 hours, our members created as many as 3 topics and added 22 comments. Don't tell me we don't need 6 admins to moderate this level of activity.

Another thing I love about our staff is how they are not petty at all. They never hold personal grudges. Now they're humans too and prone to meltdowns in member's guestbooks. When that happens they are very forgiving of each other. But when the victim of that meltdown retaliates and becomes a threat to the site, they are not scared to take stern action, even at the risk of hypocrisy. This is totally acceptable.

Lastly, I want to thank them for using the ban tool liberally. We don't need a lot of members. We don't need 10 people online at a time, making 6 topics and 44 comments in a day. Because if that happens, where are we going to get 6 new admins. We can't just make anyone admin. There is a long vetting process during which members have to accumulate points, known as AKPs, by making topics like this one. This topic is worth 50 AKPs and i need to make 200 more to have enough AKPs to become admin. All very professional, you see.

Anyway, this has gone on long enough i think. My lips hurt now and I'm sure your asses are also sore. Thank you for what you do guys. We need more of the same from everyone. Long live the peace and boredom!

Note (threat): Do not post negative comments here, and by negative comments I mean anything other than "nice topic" or "well said".

jaQui 2017/03/07 11:16
Quote: outlaw: What was the action? I don't remember her account getting suspended. The least that should have happened is she should have been removed from staff, but that didn't happen either.

Stay cool and stay in peace zone! Leave others punishments that's long forgotten and done.. No need to go on and on... Btw, Sune was removed untill last month.

jaQui 2017/03/07 11:29
Quote: outlaw: As long as I'm not using abusive language, I think I am well within my rights to go on and on about anything i want.

Enjoy well...

Rebellion 2017/03/08 06:33
Well said and nice topic .lol.
latrine 2017/03/16 18:23
Dear lord! This topic is long overdue and i salute your brilliant mind!would like to add that this site is so busy and with so many topics created , i do see the need to close certain topics when caps are used as it takes up.more space on the server. I would.like to personaly thank the mod/admin /topic creator for.closing topics that seems to not be relevent to what was supposed to happen.

latrine 2017/03/16 18:25
Quote: outlaw: Won't be the first time. Who cares? But I'm sure nothing will happen. Staff have a new policy of forget and forgive. It was lab-tested on princess suni and the results were very good.

So u alluding to the fact she might be a rat?
Oh man u gonna get banned

Replies: 25

#74 Trash Zone
A junkyard for threads to be deleted later.