A topic dedicated to dedicated topics by outlaw 2017/03/06 04:49
I was waiting for Libra to get banned. She's been disrupting the peace and boredom we've enjoyed at 2wap for a long time now with her interesting topics. She uses big words that hurt my little brain, but more importantly she takes up forum space we need for making topics about how awesome we are. Now that she is banned (thanks mods), let's get right back to it. So i'll start things off with some flattering words about our team, and the rest of you better agree with me.

So i just wanted to say we have the most hard working mods ever. Our team of 6 admins (not counting Gumslone) handles a lot of work everyday. 2wap is a busy site. Don't let the online list with 2 or 3 people fool you. Yesterday the number was as high as 4. In the last 24 hours, our members created as many as 3 topics and added 22 comments. Don't tell me we don't need 6 admins to moderate this level of activity.

Another thing I love about our staff is how they are not petty at all. They never hold personal grudges. Now they're humans too and prone to meltdowns in member's guestbooks. When that happens they are very forgiving of each other. But when the victim of that meltdown retaliates and becomes a threat to the site, they are not scared to take stern action, even at the risk of hypocrisy. This is totally acceptable.

Lastly, I want to thank them for using the ban tool liberally. We don't need a lot of members. We don't need 10 people online at a time, making 6 topics and 44 comments in a day. Because if that happens, where are we going to get 6 new admins. We can't just make anyone admin. There is a long vetting process during which members have to accumulate points, known as AKPs, by making topics like this one. This topic is worth 50 AKPs and i need to make 200 more to have enough AKPs to become admin. All very professional, you see.

Anyway, this has gone on long enough i think. My lips hurt now and I'm sure your asses are also sore. Thank you for what you do guys. We need more of the same from everyone. Long live the peace and boredom!

Note (threat): Do not post negative comments here, and by negative comments I mean anything other than "nice topic" or "well said".

Lelsi 2017/03/06 13:46
Libra is not troublemaker or whatsoever, she tried to break boredom in forums , and whoever banned her has nothing better to do. 2wap is already dead site instead of keeping members and quality one as she is , they ban them. I read oft about peace in forums , like let's keep peace bla bla, there are people who just need applause on their every topic and whoever disagree or comment something different than "nice topic",good one " -they are disturbing peace in forums! Well if you can't handle the comment and opinion of others then don't post the topic. Oh yeah and whoever is reading this => our 2wap staff don't dare to delete or whatsoever,I know 2wap Terms and Conditions very well , you know there's big difference between freedom of speech and disturbing the peace.Peace lol!
saahir 2017/03/06 17:52
Yes, I agree with your opinion sis.

Quote: Lelsi: Libra is not troublemaker or whatsoever, she tried to break boredom in forums , and whoever banned her has nothing better to do. 2wap is already dead site instead of keeping members and quality one as she is , they ban them. I read oft about peace in forums , like let's keep peace bla bla, there are people who just need applause on their every topic and whoever disagree or comment something different than "nice topic",good one " -they are disturbing peace in forums! Well if you can't handle the comment and opinion of others then don't post the topic. Oh yeah and whoever is reading this => our 2wap staff don't dare to delete or whatsoever,I know 2wap Terms and Conditions very well , you know there's big difference between freedom of speech and disturbing the peace.Peace lol!

jaQui 2017/03/06 22:33
Ban on Request .run.
HandsomeDon 2017/03/07 02:34
Quote: jacki: Ban on Request .run.

No friend , not on request but we don't wanna to lose our member that why banned with return back option. She request for account delete... Account deletion is last option. May be she have some of drawbacks or may be rude behavior...but She have too much potential , we can utilized in Right direction.... Now solve all misunderstanding and make a peaceful atmosphere here.... I am agree with sis Lelsi...

bad-apple 2017/03/07 06:16
Personally I don't know libra.. however I did like her topics..but as it is..a coin has two sides.. if she is banned because of a personal grudge..it is bad.. however if she was formenting trouble..then it's justified..

And 2wap plz be accommodating with ur tools..no need to get too liberal with them.

jaQui 2017/03/07 07:24

Let bygones be bygones!

saahir 2017/03/07 07:50
Ban is not only the solution to keep peaceful atmosphere here. Staff can talk to them polity. Ask them to edit their topic. If anyone repeats then warn them. Ban is the last tool to be used.
jaQui 2017/03/07 08:24

after me,don and liam asked very polirely and many warnings, never ending abusung just keep on and on for many years, guest users read forums with bad pist and dont want to Reg here.

jaQui 2017/03/07 08:58
Quote: outlaw: That's right. People should learn from the example set by our lovely staff. Abuse your enemies in their guestbooks like our staff do. That way you accomplish the task of insulting a person and guest users can't see it. We care about abusing only as long as it's done in the topics. And by people we hate.

Hammering on old gb entries that's what your doing for a debate here... You did not see all bad trashed abusive topics.
No need debating on gb.

jaQui 2017/03/07 09:03
What's your opion abt this abusive users names?


And many many more
Disgusting names and posts.

jaQui 2017/03/07 09:31
Quote: outlaw:
If I'm not wrong, that's Eeprom. So you've banned Libra because Eeprom makes abusive nicks?

Nope!!! Your wrong! Libra abused me in my inbox and in forum post,. And about ten shouts, then she requested deletion of her account...
Don banned her with option to return if she wish... That's why I asked you, did you see all bad trashed abusive topics and reported pm,s and abusive deleted shouts?

jaQui 2017/03/07 09:33
Quote: outlaw: I think the matter of the gb entries is relevant here because the topics are a result of the frustration a user feels when staff forgive one of their own for breaking a rule which they punish others for.

Because of gb entries about 8 months ago? Is that the reason for still abusing and fighting?

jaQui 2017/03/07 09:43
Quote: outlaw: I haven't said anything about eeprom. But i love how you have conveniently forgotten that when he abused kayli you were his biggest cheerleader. Now that he's turned on you, suddenly he's bad for the site.
[quote=outlaw]I haven't said anything about eeprom. But i love how you have conveniently forgotten that when he was abused kayli you were his biggest cheerleader. Now that he's turned on you, suddenly he's bad for the site.[
He never abused kayli, I remember stalking her and mocking jokes but never abused... And that he did coz its in he's nature. No one can force or blackmail some one else to abuse others! That's something he did two years ago, and he and Libra are obsessed with JACKI.. I guess that's also me to blame? They eat, drink and sleep JAVKI..
ITHEY ENJOY IT COZ THEY JUST LOVE ABUSING... Better mind their own waplife and come over me!! That goes for you aswell..

jaQui 2017/03/07 09:58
Quote: outlaw: I didn't see the topics. You were quick to trash them. I think you don't want anyone to know why she was peeed at you. Why don't you untrash her topics and let us read her side of the story. I didn't get to read them before they were trashed but I think she was mad about a lie that were spreading about her. You've been telling people (and i know it's true because you told me too) that you found her facebook profile and how she is old and has grandkids and personal stuff like that. Which would pee anyone off imo.

You just LOVE that to put the blame on me while u enjoyed gossiping in my inbox! /smiley Get over it... The sooner the better! /smiley As I said let bygones be bygones!!! Your not debating here, your blaming abt things that happened many moons ago!! And repeating youself over and over!

HandsomeDon 2017/03/07 10:14
Please , leaves fight and abusing each others.... Fight likewise small children, grows with time and never ending.... Now this topic provide us a golden opportunity to solve all our misunderstanding beyond our inbox suggestion...we try our best at inbox level... We all already wanna peaceful atmosphere and healthy discussion at forums... Users are asset for any site that why Admin Liam never try tool for banning users except spammers ... yes rules for smooth working of the site, user's well beings /interest at the first priority....
jaQui 2017/03/07 10:31
Quote: outlaw: No that's not the only thing I'm talking about. I'm also talking about the compulsive gossiper syndrome that you suffer from. If someone points that out to you, you ban them. GB entries are also important because I still haven't got a good reason why it's okay to forgive staff for abusing.

You asked me what's going on and I told you... And besides I will never restore abusive topics where she abused Liam aswell.. He don't deserve such treatment after all he has been going through by Libras abusing... Now you get over it, but u always want to have the last word... Right?

HandsomeDon 2017/03/07 10:32
Quote: outlaw: Maybe admin handsomedon can explain why moderator princess suni was never punished for abusive gb entries, but common members protesting about the inaction got punished. Go on, admin, explain this hypocrisy. We're all ears.

Admin Liam already took action against her ...

jaQui 2017/03/07 10:36
Quote: HandsomeDon:
Admin Liam already took action against her ...

Yes almost 8 months ago.

jaQui 2017/03/07 10:41
Quote: jacki:
You asked me what's going on and I told you... And besides I will never restore abusive topics where she abused Liam aswell.. He don't deserve such treatment after all he has been going through by Libras abusing... Now you get over it, but u always want to have the last word... Right?

I am so glad I'm not a compulsive abuser!

jaQui 2017/03/07 11:08
Quote: outlaw: I asked you what's going on with eeprom and libra, where are they? I didn't ask you what can you tell me about libra, how old is she, what does she look like, how many kids does she have? So don't accuse me of gossiping. As long as we're clear on that, I'll let you have the last word.

But what's the last word? Long live the peace and boredom? Come on, libra's contribution to the forum has been pretty amazing lately. It's unfair of you to suggest that abusing is all she does. She's nice to everybody except you, and liam i guess gets dragged into it for defending you. It's obviously some personal issue between you two. Except you have the power to ban and trash but she doesn't.

Wrong again... Don't fight for something u don't know nothing about... She started abusing Liam before we were friends... You don't know nothing at all... Its all abt Sour Grapes!

Replies: 25

#74 Trash Zone
A junkyard for threads to be deleted later.