Dailly one Question contest by zugzwang 2016/02/04 18:10
here is a contest regarding chess.
dailly one question & first correct reply will earn 500+es
TODAY's first question
Q-Who was first official world chess champion?

Whally 2016/02/07 07:10
manuel aaron
zugzwang 2016/02/07 13:13
Quote: Whally: manuel aaron
congrats..u won 500+es

zugzwang 2016/02/07 17:38
Q6::what is the official name of world chess governing body?
Robinhood 2016/02/08 03:13
Q6;answer: (FIDE)
Fédération Internationale des Échecs

zugzwang 2016/02/08 15:55
Quote: Robinhood: Q6;answer: (FIDE)
Fdration Internationale des checs
right. congrats. u won 500+es

zugzwang 2016/02/08 16:04
Q7)::what r the two initial moves in French Defence opening in chess game?
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/02/08 16:12
Quote: zugzwang: Q7)::what r the two initial moves in French Defence opening in chess game?
e4 e6

zugzwang 2016/02/08 16:15
Quote: _ShAnE_StArK_: e4 e6
second move too pls

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/02/08 16:17
Paul Morphy
zugzwang 2016/02/08 16:27
Quote: _ShAnE_StArK_: paul Morphy

_ShAnE_StArK_ 2016/02/08 16:29
Quote: zugzwang: second move too pls
d4 d5

zugzwang 2016/02/08 16:31
Quote: _ShAnE_StArK_: d4 d5
right ans. congrats

zugzwang 2016/02/08 16:45
Q8)::what was the name of famous player playing white side in the famous game known as ''Opera Box Game''?
zugzwang 2016/02/10 16:14
Quote: zugzwang: Q8)::what was the name of famous player playing white side in the famous game known as ''Opera Box Game''?
no repliez so the ans. is Paul Morphy

zugzwang 2016/02/11 04:34
Q9)::At which city Vishwanathan Anand of INDIA won world chess championship in 2000?
Kayli 2016/02/11 15:58
New York city
Kayli 2016/02/11 15:58
New Delhi
zugzwang 2016/02/11 19:23
incorrect. at New Delhi V.Anand won semi final nd the final shifted to some other country. i was lucky to be a member of organising commettee.
Whally 2016/02/11 19:25
nyc job bro.. u really a master in chess. dunno hw i cn learn it ere tru u tutoring me
Whally 2016/02/11 19:32
Replies: 57

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